characterized by extreme fear of social situations and fear of embarrassment
people who have this often want to do something with their lives, but dont do anything because they are to afraid to go outside. creates a painful mental cage. Groundwork for other illness like depression and addiction to mmorpg's
Cured by either taking in alot of drugs to numb the pain so you can force yourself to a bar..
or going to therapy for years spending countless amounts of money
goth: oh man my girlfriend just broke up with me!! my life sucks so bad imma gonna go cut myself and buy dark clothes!!
guy with Social anxiety: atleast you can get a girlfriend ><
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When one uses a story/saying/information/anecdote that they recieved or overheard from another individual they know and they do not cite the source. In turn, implying that they themselves are the original source of information.
Maegan tells Leann that she talked to the band about their performance date change in Santa Cruz.
Later that evening, Leann tells a group of mutual friends that the performance date has been changed, without citing/acknowledging where she originally obtained this information. In turn, implying she spoke to the band herself, which could be construed to some as lying.
Thus, Leann commited social plagiarism.
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A system where workers collectively own the means of production, and compete in a market free of capitalists. The Bourgeoise and Proletariat merge into one class.
Market Socialism is an economic system that takes aspects of Socialism and Capitalism, and puts them together in a balanced way.
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Social sketworking can be abbreviated to "sketworking". Browsing a social networking site for promiscuous looking mutual friends or "skets"
Contact is then made with said "sket", using any mutual friends or common interests as leverage against her thighs.
"Sketworking" is not to be confused neither with "Hohunting" nor "Slagtagging", both which are completely separate activities.
Bro I'm bored. Ima do some social sketworking real quick.
Sending unsolicited dick pics during Covid-19 quarantine.
"Why did he send you a dick pic?"
"He's under quarantine so we're social 'dick'stancing."
"Ah. Not bad, let me see that..."
The act of pretending to be busy or otherwise engaged such as talking on a phone with no one on the other end in order to avoid social contact with another.
Sam- Shit here comes bill I dont want to talk to him, Quick make out with me!
Bill- hmm, I think sam is tryin to Social dodge me.
Wanda- Bill im on the phone!
Refers to the theory that, the social norms of a society are not a definitive or consistent state of affairs..but rather only a state of temporary hibernation. With the prospect of alteration, progression or evolutional transformation always ever present and very much lurking on the surface. Therefore the manifesting of any form of social order within any society, by the putting in to place of the proper and well implemented measures and steps. Is not only a viable, possible and probable, but rather even a factual endeavour.
social utopiaism can best be summarized with the social revolution in America which ensued in result of the civil rights movement.