A speech to express gratitude to the user-publishers at Urbandictionary for inducting definitions into the database. Akin to the speeches made by accomplished athletes who have excelled at their sport. These are definitions which have been accepted after many arduous attempts but well worth it too. Also similar to Academy Award Speech or Grammy Speech.
I won't make my UD Induction Speech long, I only have 30 seconds. But I would like to thank God, my parents, my children, my cats, my pets, my teachers, my workmates for all their support. But special thanks to all great user publishers who make this place great and inducting my Sadie
When you literally can't talk properly.
Alyssa has speech blurmia.
The native tongue of a group of villagers/ insiders.
Speech was made everyone’s basic human rights whether you like it or not.
I mean... You see Jordan Peterson just re-appropriating my claims about the religious enterprise and painting it on a strawman of the political left, right? And in doing so he acts as an avatar through which I make a mockery of your politics and I make a mockery of you God.
Hym "Except MINE is TRUE and Jordan Peterson's is not. Which is why Jordan can't do it without crying like a bitch, Chris. It's not JUST a coping mechanism for death anxiety. It's the way by which you accrue unearned moral authority. It's the way by which you hold hostage 'the good afterlife'and (beyond that) 'the good life' in exchange for compliance or servitude. It's an easy way to siphon resources from the peasants so you can live an easier life while everyone else suffers around you with the promise of a better hypothetical future that will never come to fruition. It's the way by which you compel people to consent to their own suffering and defer gratification to the grave. And his speech and his tears are exactly how you can tell that Dr. Jordan Peterson KNOWS THAT WHAT I'M SAYING IS TRUE."
You're not NOT PAYING, you're paying someone else and your aiding and abetting a targeted stalking a harassment campaign.
Hym "It isn't a speech issue in the first place, it's about piece of shit content creator parasites establishing online communist dictatorships and then wielding the platform against other people to control the discourse and box people out of public life... OR STEAL THEIR IDENTITY. The state needs to clamp down on these platforms. They also need to clamp down on these non-compete clauses. And the evidence I would use to demonstrate that... Is ME. You're unelected, perversely incentivized, political actors with no oversight other than selectively enforced policies that people like Sniperwolf violate without consequence. Someone is getting paid for this. It isn't the guy who should be getting paid but it is SOMEONE. And you can bitch about the racial and gay slurs but I would like to see you can reconcile your opposition to THOSE with what you're doing to me without using the word 'deserves.' And to that I say 'The guy I'm calling a faggot deserves to be called a faggot.' 'You deserve to have your kids murdered.' It's a 1 to 1 comparison that you're literally on both sides.
It isn't even a debate. The conservatives just wanted to be the ones controlling the discourse. And now they do. None of you should have control of the piblic discourse and the fact that the platform allows you to do this shows that they need to be more subordinate to the laws in the same way corporations need to be more subordinate to the laws. You're going to be a liability issue and this Havana syndrome shit is going to fucking crush you. You're all look like a swarm of gnats flying into a bug zapper. Especially if I have to stab one of these fuck-trophies to get the ball rolling. And Youtube doesn't give a fuck about you enough to protect you. You're friends who were smart enough to NOT DO what you're doing will roll on you to save their own hides because all you vermin care about is making that easy money so you don't have to end up like Hym. You'll get what's coming to you. Don't you worry. If free speech and your constitutional rights aren't superordinate to terms of service then you don't have rights. Literally everything is a business. You can use the fact that EVERY ACTION requires you to go through some kind of business to gerrymander people rights forever."
It's the stalking and harassment and monetary damages that are the problem.
Hym "So, it isn't the speech part and to that I say, we're either doing free speech or we're not. Which means I just get to say whatever I want about the trannies. I'm not ever going to agree that you get to do this and I don't get to say faggot. And there is always resorting to violence. Which is why I think you're so desperate to get the guns. I think you know you're doing shit like this (collectively). I think you ARE the reason you'll never get the billionaire's money. You ARE the reason you'll never get the guns. Because then they'll just be at your mercy. Like me. The politicans are in the same boat. What life would you attribute to them if you had your way? And what happens if you tell them not to associate with me and they do it anyway? You just harass them too? You act like it'll stop at speech and go no further. What happens if people listen to me instead? Here come the cries for deplatforming. Your free speech doesn't work as well as mine so now you need the billionaire YouTube owner and billionaire socia media guys you hate to step in and silence me for you. Now what? They silence me for you and then they give you all their money for redistribution and then you harass me forever and I never resort to stabbing a kid... That's the plan? Can you guess which one of us created A.I. and which one of us didn't?"