The protrusion of unkempt pubic hairs from the edges of an undergarment. Especially when the owner is unaware of said protrusion.
Tim: Why don't you like Cindy anymore?
Billy: Dude, because I totally saw her SPIDER'S NEST at the pool.
Tim: Gross!
Billy: Yeah she needs to get John Goodman to kill the queen.
1) When you climb backwards on top of an elementary school playmate on a swing. There are now 8-limbs, hence, the "spider-swing."
2) A particularly crude form of PDA, involving a couple at dinner, or any public forum, when one member drapes their legs across their partner's lap. It usually involves eskimo kissing or other acts of intimacy to heighten the level of annoyance. They are now an amorphous wrap of limbs, also, very irritating, hence, "spider-swinging."
"Your girlfriend is a serious spider-swinger."
"Sorry, I like you, but I am really not into spider-swinging."
"Dudes, quit spider-swinging, I am trying to eat."
To pass gas, to fart, gasses passing through the anus causing various fluttering or squealing noises
What was that sound that came from your butt and smells bad grandpa? That was a spider bark, my boy.
when something sucks so much it spawns more things that suck, but don't go away. When a spider lays its eggs, you don't see much, but then soon it opens and 10000 more devils spawn come out.
Person A: Did you hear that new song, Anaconda?
Person B: Yea, it was a pile of spider eggs
A demon. There's no other way of putting it. Her favorite saying is "NO FUN ALLOWED!" and she doesn't seem to be human. No sense of humor, and - actually, I think she's an enderman. She just appears behind you.
AAHHH! It's Mrs. Spiders!!!
You and the lads each buy individual electric fly swatters, sit in chairs, then place the electric fly swatters over your genitals. One of you then puts pornography on a phone or larger screen for all to view. The goal is to not get an erection, to therefore not get an electrocuted penis.
"Hey man wanna do a spider's web?"
"Fuck no, dude it felt like I burnt my dick off last time."