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The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

A fanbase that is filled with autistic queer teenagers that simp for a disembodied voice.

Teen 1: "Do you play The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe?

Teen 2: "Yeah, The Narrator's voice is so hot."

Teen 1: "For real."

by imsillyimsillyimsillyimsilly August 5, 2023

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lord Stanley's Love Stick

The act of shoving a hockey stick into a woman's vagina.

Guy 1:Did you hear Patrick gave someone Lord Stanley's Love Stick.
Guy 2: Yeah i think she is in the hospital now

by Sanduskyyyyyyyyy February 11, 2013

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

two girls, one stanley cup

A sexual act in which two girls mimic the time honored tradition of the wining hockey team drinking champagne out of the Stanley Cup, by inverting a male participant with his legs spread wide, thus creating a cup out of his anal orifice from which they will then urinate into and then drink out of, sometimes with a straw.

"Those girls roll dirty, I heard they like to perform the two girls, one stanley cup"

by Barney Stenson October 29, 2013

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

flat stanley

A flattened boy fluttering in the wind on a string being lead along

Russel Hantz is the greatest flat stanley of allllll time

by thenavneet January 3, 2018

Flat Stanley

A blunt not worth smoking. Generally such little weed that it turns flat when held

โ€œNah roll up another. I donโ€™t smoke that flat stanleyโ€

by Bigdolphinkodeine April 18, 2024

Flat Stanley

a boy who looks undernourished, he also has a specific fashion: graphic tees, flannels, extra baggy jeans ( because they are skinny).

Her crush is a flat stanley.

by dontbesensitive December 2, 2019

Flat Stanley

A term for a joint or cigarette that has been flattened and now resembles the shape of Flat Stanley

Mikey: What the fuck is wrong with this j
Alex: Will fucking sat on it and now itโ€™s a flat stanley

by Lilโ€™ Juice October 14, 2023