A sex position that cosists of fucking a woman in the analy when she has diarrhea. When the man is cumming she inmideatly starts to take a shit causing the fluids to mix. The end result looks like a starbucks expresso.
This starbucks expresso tastes like shit!!!!
The most basic troll you will find. They ushally emanate joy and laughter but do not be fooled. When it comes to Starbucks they will use what ever means necessary to get their drink. Often found in Starbucks ordering the most basic drinks.
Starbucks troll: "OMG PUMKIN SPICE LATTE " (happily shoves a disabled person aside and orders a pumpkin spice latte)
Mom in line: "I have heard of these creatures. I think that's a Starbucks troll ."
Mom's small child: inches closer to get a better look at the troll.
Mom in line: snatches her child and holds them close. "Careful! The Starbucks troll will become vishious if you stand between it and the barista!!!"
The phenomenon in which white women 14-35 speak in identical pitches, use similar vocabulary, and how they all can be seen at Starbucks.
A message to all scientists, we have come a long ways as a species, but we still have failed to explain the Starbucks effect
A white person that owns a coffee beanery, where coffee is brewed. Americans or people who love drinking coffee, a person who drinks way too much coffee. Americans who love coffee or Starbucks.
I love coffee, I'm a starbucks beaner. I drink it every day.
Uncle Craig owns a coffee beanery, yup he's a starbucks beaner, just kidding.
Americans can't get enough coffee, I guess we're a starbucks beaner nation.
Stop drinking so much coffee you coffee beaner.
A white person that owns a coffee beanery, where coffee is brewed. Americans or people who love drinking coffee, a person who drinks way too much coffee. Americans who love coffee or Starbucks.
I love coffee, I'm a starbucks beaner. I drink it every day.
Uncle Craig owns a coffee beanery, yup he's a starbucks beaner, just kidding.
Americans can't get enough coffee, I guess we're a starbucks beaner nation.
Stop drinking so much coffee you coffee beaner.
Taking a dump in the upper part of the toilet at any Starbucks corporate or franchise restaraunt location (wi-fi not included).
After chugging a venti lowfat non-dairy soy vanilla mango latte scented with petunia, I ran to the unisex bathroom and dropped a nasty starbucks decker.
A white female with a north face jacket, leggings and ugg boots on.
Shaquna: "Look at that Starbucks FRAP over there"
*Innocent little Becky walking past"