Source Code

Cleveland Steamer

The vengeful act of crapping on a lover's chest while they sleep.

Cleveland Steamer Haiku:

Wake up sleepy head\
Rise and shine bright morning day\
Hey! who crapped on me?\

by MC Flunk August 25, 2008

979๐Ÿ‘ 831๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cleveland Steamer

The sexual act of shitting on ones chest, during or after intercourse.

Dude I gave her a cleveland steamer last night.

by Joe Tennn November 6, 2006

274๐Ÿ‘ 222๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cleavland steamer

Where a female lays on her back while her male partner proceeds to have sex with the female partners breasts. During the back and forth motion (Similar to that of a STEAM engines wheel cranks) the male proceeds to defecate, leaving a shit smear track, much like a train track, leading all similarities to coin the term "Cleavland Steamer" intended to allude to a Cleavland Steam Engine.

"I knew it was time to give Miranda her cleavland steamer, when she said 'All Aboard!' and I also added the obligatory 'Chugga, chugga' and 'Choo choo!' noises all the while.'

by Jake George January 9, 2008

566๐Ÿ‘ 481๐Ÿ‘Ž

cleveland steamer

The act of taking a shit on a girl's chest while she is sucking your dick. See also: Hot Carlisle, Pasadena Mudslide, California Hot Plate

I gave her a cleveland steamer last night. It got a little bit messy.

by MadHat December 18, 2004

206๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž

cleveland steamer

The act of defecating on the chest of one's partner and then performing a rocking motion while sitting in the feces in an attempt to spread the feces out in a steam roller like fashion.

Glen performed a cleveland steamer on Brittany because she was a ho fo sho.

by fdkj May 14, 2008

401๐Ÿ‘ 342๐Ÿ‘Ž

cleveland steamer

The act of making sweet love to a woman, waiting until she goes to sleep, defecating on her chest, taking a five dollar bill from her purse and then bolting from the area.

She was complaining to her friends that she had gone to bed with a new man and awakened to a large fresh pile of feces on her chest and that five dollars missing from her purse. Her friends were barely able to contain their laughter as they informed her that he had been the recipient of the mythical cleveland steamer.

by Grande John June 25, 2006

364๐Ÿ‘ 311๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cupertino Steamer

when Apple has a huge event (complete with huge expectations) and they mess it up horribly. It ends with people being completely pissed off after their hopes have been shattered.

Steve: So the new iPod touch does not have a camera.

Everyone: WTF!!! What a Cupertino Steamer! I can't believe I was about to give $300 to Apple! Fuck the new iPod Nano and its pathetic camera!

by atontonamous September 9, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž