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Ayden the high fruntoce syrup kid

That one kid who you pay for entertainment or stuff. He’s cool unlike anyone named jack

Yeah that Ayden the high fruntoce syrup kid is cool

by The one guy who does stuff January 17, 2022

Maple Syrup Downs' Syndrome Baby

The spawn of two mentally-handicapped people who engage in passionate sex, then pass out, to wake up and find they have created offspring. In an effort to preserve the baby until a later date upon which they would be more suitable parents, the child is placed into a large beaker full of maple syrup. The babies are then usually apprehended by law enforcement and sold to chinese dining establishments and served as "pork" in House Special Fried Rice.

Holy Shit, my dad told me that I just ate a Maple Syrup Downs' Syndrome Baby!

by Joey Orgler October 21, 2007

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High Fructose Porn Syrup

(1) Participating in a SERIOUS organic-eating lifestyle with a partner, then later discovering that this partner is looking at "airbrushed" online or print pornography stuff outside of your relationship.

(2) A "sweet" looking female with huge boobage that visually inspires men to think about porn.

"I went online, and caught my supposedly organic boyfriend looking at High Fructose Porn Syrup!"

by I'm Already In your Database February 13, 2012

3πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

My armpit smells like syrup

This was something that I heard from some 10 year old in the grocery store today.

Kid: My armpit smells like syrup.
Me in my head: wtf man that's a weird thing to say randomly in a store...

by Retard_Ryan April 18, 2023

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist

An event were 3000 tons of maple syrup was stolen from Quebec valued at $18.7 million. It's the most valuable heist in Canadian history.

Have you heard of the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist?

by HI#2 October 1, 2019

Ayden the high fruntoce syrup kid

The cool guy

He does stuff and stuff

Not associated with anyone named jack

He likes sugar

Yeah that Ayden the high fruntoce syrup kid is way cooler than anyone named jack

by The one guy who does stuff January 19, 2022

Golden Syrup Running Down Your Legs

A saying that is used around the construction of data centres when there isn't really anything else to say

The client wants these chiller pipes installed and all I can do is stand here with golden syrup running down my legs.

"What's that cheeky grin you got on your face mate, you look like you have golden syrup running down your legs"

by DataDriven October 25, 2023