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Texas Strong

A commonly used term around Austin to refer to keeping the faith and being proud to be homosexual. Homosexual Texans adorn t-shirts showing their unwillingness to be afraid of what anyone thinks. Their logo is universally known and is a symbol of "since the womb" and is in the shape of a females UTerus.

Charlie, Jeff and Kirk make no efforts to hide their true feeling. They are Texas Strong and united in their fight to promote their ideals and lifestyle.

by Mack the knife January 16, 2014

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strong game

A term referring to ladies with large breasts. This does not neccessarily refer to the attractiveness of said lady (See "good form").

Sarah-Lou may be a racist, but she's definitly got strong game

by Dinkle February 5, 2008

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Strong Mad

A guy with no neck, an intelligence below Home Star's (which is below avarage), Doesn't know a word of English.

Strong Mad: Ravvy homa hashy vaaaaa!
SKR (some kinda robot): Hey wanna learn some English Strong Mad
Strong Mad: Pradgnad maaaaa!
SKR: Uhhh.....nevermind

by Some kinda robot April 25, 2003

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A woman who is morally, physically and verbally trying to degrade everyone in her path. She is the worst of the worst.

Characteristics consist of:

-having a strong since of only caring for herself.

-Everyday is her period. And she's going to let you know about it..

-Sometimes she smell's like fish or other funky things.

-She also thinks she is hot but she makes you want to kill yourself...

Victim 1: Hey man, are we having fish for lunch today?

Bitch: Fuck 'y'all, I aint waiting in no line for this. Get out da way!

Victim 2: Holy shit! Shes Bitch-strong man! Did you see her knock him into the wall trying to get to the food?

Bystander: Yeah dude, I wont fuck with her.

by Deer_slayer101 April 21, 2009

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Strong Mad

A big, neckless pink guy in a singlet. Can't say anything normal. Like Douglas.
Also enjoys making origami out of unused emails.


by ME SO IDIOT April 22, 2003

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Strong Friend

The hit song by Texas resident, #TeezoTouchdown, that displays the most wholesome and wonderful message of checking on our strong friends around us who may be going through more or less obstacles in their lives, just like we are or not. Regardless, anyone who can't #MatchaBag or appreciate the unity of us as a human species on this beautiful Earth, is simply a #SUCKA!

"Have you heard of Teezo Touchdown? He wrote the song 'Careful'? " Bracee asked her sister, Brielle. "His new song Strong Friend is sooo good! On repeat! His music has been helping me to survive this current time period.

#Careful #StrongFriend #MatchaBag #TeezoTouchdown

by QueenBracee August 18, 2020

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Collin Strong

kid who likes to say lies about girls

Collin Strong told a lie about blank in are school

by Hfbdhsn January 18, 2021

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