Source Code

Parking Lot Pimpin

Rolling in the parking lot with your tight ass ride. Trying to show off and pick up some hoes.

We were parking lot pimpin in the Wal-Mart parking lot.

by Quazimoto June 5, 2003

170πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

parking-lot pimpin'

The act of socializing with your boys after the club sitting in the trunk of your respective vehicles expecting females to stop all of the sudden, just because... Reserved for niggas that did not accomplish anything in their search for digits INSIDE the club.

Crumb #1: Dawg, fuck these hoes, they ain't about shit.
Crumb #2: Speak for yourself, nigga. I'm about to do some parking-lot pimpin' sitting right here in the hood of my Sephia. Blast that 50 and pop the trunk!

by Dominikan April 29, 2003

39πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

parking lot on smash

to have the nicest car in the parking lot

damn he has the whole parking lot on smash

by trinnnnity May 24, 2008

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

parking lot surfing

Driving through connected parking lots to avoid traffic or otherwise the hassle of driving on the proper roadway.

I was able to get from Walmart to Gamestop in no time, despite rush hour traffic with the help of a little parking lot surfing.

by mechafroggie July 11, 2008

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Parking Lot Vulture

Person who circles around a parking lot in their vehicle looking and waiting for anyone that is getting into their vehicle to leave so the "vulture" may immediately take the spot. This is usually done because the "vulture" is too lazy to take a spot further away from the entrance. Universities and large chain stores are usually full of parking lot vultures much like a desert is full of actual vultures.

Person 1: I was dropping some things off in my car this morning after I went to the gym and someone was stopped right behind me. Then they peeled out after they saw that I was just dropping things off to my car.

Person 2: Sounds like you were almost a classic victim to a Parking Lot Vulture.

Person 1: Those people are dicks.

Person 2. Yes. Yes they are.

by WhattheChuck April 17, 2013

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Parking Lot Recycler

Items the garbage truck won’t take, like tires, motor oil, Hazardous Materials are loaded into the car trunk, back of the mini van or pick-up truck, then driven to the parking lot of usually a big box retailer (Caution must be used as video surveillance is being used to watch for this kind of activity) and then covertly deposited usually by a light pole. Lean the tires against the pole, set the milk jugs of oil around the perimeter of the pole along with the cans of paint.

Neighbor 1: The fuckin’ garbage men won’t take those old tires off my deuce and a quarter.

Neighbor 2: Yea they don’t take none of that shit, you gotta roll by Home Depot and do the Parking Lot Recycler!

by The CLE Steamer May 12, 2009

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Parking Lot Panic

The moment you realize you forgot where you parked your car in a full lot and you panic. Often happens at shopping malls, after concerts, or after long travel trips. This is magnified at airport economy lots where you have no friggin' idea where your car is parked in lot of thousands of cars.

I got back from the two week travel and had total Parking Lot Panic on the shuttle. I wandered the economy lot for over an hour dragging all my luggage looking for my car.

by Steve T in Sacramento February 16, 2010