Someone or something that is not just average or mediocre, but shockingly so. There is not a single good or bad attribute about the person or thing in question, and it's aggressively apparent.
Mike's girlfriend is aggressively okay. She's not ugly, but not at all pretty.
When you piss off a a Canadian
Well I think animals are meant to
Be fucked
“Okay there bud”
A sentence where a specific doctor in Al Ain University says it after every one word..
Okay you guys any questions? Well done you guys!
The most superior comeback. Can be used effectively against any other comeback, even the immortal "no u".
Dude 1: Ur mum gay
Dude 2: Okay and?
Dude 1: *instantly faints and collapses onto the floor*
Dude 3: That's pretty stupid bro
Dude 4: No u
Dude 3: Okay and?
Dude 4: ...
Ii means ok or you want to understand yes it is fine
How are you doing?
I am okais
Ii means ok or you want to understand yes it is fine
How are you doing?
I am okais
A drinking game whereby one person points to someone else and says "Drink." If the other person says "Okay" then they must take a drink. If they don't say "Okay," then they have to drink as a punishment.
I have no cards, dice, balls, or other props, but I want to play a drinking game... I know! Let's play 'Drink, okay'!