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Homosexual Acts

Acts in which homosexuals and men who pretend they aren't gay take part in. Homosexual acts often take place in parks, bathrooms, gym locker rooms, Queeen's Park (Toronto), Church Street Bathhouses and confessionals. Homosexuals acts include, baking, but are not limited to, blowjobs, handjobs, anal fingering, light petting, shopping, gossiping, nipple twisting, manicures, kissing (when two men kiss) anal sex, rim jobs, fisting, and watersports to name a few.

"Homosexual Acts" : Gossiping

"OMG ricky, did you see marks ass, I swear to GOD that fag is being such a donut eater, his ass is sooooooo big, and not in the good juicy ass way, the way you want to rim his tight little man hole, but in the way in which you think, GOD ricky go the fucking gym and do some squats bitch!"

Homosexual Acts : anal fingering

"Ok Lance, lick my finger, you'll want to lube it up good and wett so that your bum hole has an easy time taking my index, otherwise we might have anal tearing, and we don't want that!"

Homosexual Acts: Queen's Park (Toronto)

This is where many "gay" and not so "gay" men come to ride their bikes around late at night on the pathways behind the Ontario Legislature. It's odd because Queen's Park is surrounded by major roads with cars, and people whizzing by (not watersports). Men will often lean on trees, pretending to hold them up, meanwhile there hands are often on their dicks which are mysteriously hanging out of their zipped pants and or shorts. This is more popular in the summer as winter here is cold and frostbite is a concern!

by Nevets Setab January 10, 2009

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Acting Cutty

Acting weird/Not normal
If they're not acting like how they normally act, acting as if they were mad at you. Being short and simple.

" Aye! whats up?(: "
" Nun. "
" What are you doing today ? "
" Nun. "
" I missed you. "
" Cool ? "
" Why are you Acting Cutty ? "
" im not ? "

by chris bannapt April 26, 2010

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opening act

when a dude sticks his pointer finger in a chicks vagina and his ring finger and pinky in her butt.

usually happens when the chick wants to take it up a level from the "shocker" following the "opening act" comes the"show stopper"

by alwaysgone November 9, 2009

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Acts of unkindness

Something to do on a day like random acts of kindness day, or any other day of insincere bullshit people are doing for show, to save their image.

Guy- What's the first thing you're going to do on random acts of kindness day?
Other guy- Acts of unkindness.

by Solid Mantis February 17, 2021

Acts of the Apostles

it tells us about the worldwide mission of the Christian church

hopefully you dont keep annoying repeated worship songs

Teaching was done among believers in the Acts of the Apostles

by Happy Christian April 12, 2023

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Fuckiem Act

When a freind of yours commits a heinous crime against you.

David did the fuckiem act -sobs uncontrollably-

by fuckiem_act_maker August 9, 2021

dutch act

suicide....the Irish in NYC used to call Germans 'dutchmen'. Late 19th century legend is a bunch of 'micks' were out getting liquored up and heard a guy screaming and then...nuthin' dead. The guy was 'German' and thus the 'noun' became a 'verb'.

"Oh my gosh there you are!" "What's worng?" "I couldn't find you so I thought you went out and committed 'the dutch act." "Thanks...

by rusoviet April 19, 2020