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When somebody thinks that feltching is actually shrimping. The act of mistaking the drinking of seminal fluids from someones anus for a foot fetish.

Grandpa thought it was shrimping when the garden boy drank the jizz from his ass through a bendy straw. Classic case of brucing.

by Bonelessboner July 6, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of forcibly inserting your fist into a woman's vaginal cavity,in such a manner to draw excitement from said woman.

Give her the BRUUUUUUUCE!"I was brucing a girl last night

by DrJacobie September 21, 2008

3๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bruce Lee

The only one that can kill Chuck Norris.

When Bruce Lee snapped Chuck Norris' neck in "Way of the Dragon", the space-time continuum ripped apart.

by TheOrtonRevolution September 28, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sticky Bruce

A man of questionable masculinity, who strangely feels the need to enter a cubicle and stand up to pee, as opposed to doing it at the urinal like everybody else.

A man who thinks that walking around the office shaking a chocolate protein drink makes him a 'massive unit'.

The tightest man alive.

Johnny: "Look at that lady-man, is he really drinking a West Coast cooler?"

Samuel: "Yeah, he is such a Sticky Bruce"

by Rabbits McGillicuddy December 3, 2006

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Bruce and Baker

Coolest way to order a Jack (Daniels) & Ginger(ale), feeling superior to a dumb broad bartender by obscurely talking over her head and referencing music she will never appreciate or understand.

Rob: "Give me a Bruce and Baker."
Bartemptress: "A what???"
Rob: "C'mon, a Jack & Ginger. . . what, you never heard of the Cream?"
Bartemptress: "Whatever. . ."

by Muffler April 16, 2008

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bruce lee

the only person who ever lived that was capable of kicking chuck norris's ass. he was killed by the triads for spreading knowledge of kung fu to the united states. (they had to poison him... if they sent their hitmen, none of them would make it out alive)

everything bruce lee ever did ever

by bopyloo April 4, 2012

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Bruce Lee

only one that can beat Chuck Norris

check out Way of the Dragon cuz im not lying. Bruce Lee DID defeat Chuck Norris

by monkin May 12, 2009

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