nerf hur·dlin' turd bur·glar
(nûrf hûrdlin tûrd ˈbərglər/)
One who hurdles nerfs and burgles all available turds.
Ex. "OMG, give that back you little nerf hurdlin turd burglar!!!"
this is a very gay word all things about this word r awful and any one who uses it is a cunt
Mitch is a super big time burglar. not to be confused wit the ever famous trudburglar. Your a cunt who ever created it
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A female who is morally bankrupt
Shelly is a total rat burglar
A toy burglar is someone who steals their parents sex toys for their own use.
Guy: Have you ever stole anything?
Girl: I mean I’m a toy burglar.
Girl:Look it up on Urban Dictionary.
¹One who falsely claims to be the first person to make a funny comment, sick burn, or a catchy nickname without proper credit to the actual person.
² people that are unoriginal and need to feel they can come up with a fresh saying, only to regurgitate a clever quip, or joke and claim it as their own.
It has been a long time since the WORD BURGLAR Reggie Regg has burgald my ip. I don't blame him, it's a cultural thing.
Brown burglar is the act in which anal sex is taken without consent.
Brown Burglar- I'm not comfortable talking about homosexual acts ever since I got Brown Burgled
A loaded gun that’s close by when someone breaks in to your place.
We never had a need for a brinks security system. Daddy kept the “loaded burglar alarm” under his bed.