Someone who is thin skinned and drinks vitamin water. Can be associated with a person who perceives an insult where there is none.
Oh man, he can’t take a joke, he’s such a Bungus!
I know he’s a total Karl Bungus!
When you eat her ass and she shits on your face.
Her, Krys, I hope you ate a good dinner so I can have a nice warm Black Karl tonight!
The most beautiful ginger locks you’ve ever seen, what a hunk!!! If you come across a ginger Karle give this guy a high 5, also known for being gay with his best friend Keith.
“Hey have you seen ginger Karle”
Friend - “yea he’s over there blowing Keith 21 from Asda”
To chew obnoxiously loud, typically during a Discord-call. Named after a famous Swedish comedian, Fun Stun Nittiotvå.
"Joakim drar en karl i servern asså. Han earrapar oss alla..."
When you are hitting it from behind and you feed your lover cheese puffs.
"I was horny and in the mood for a snack, but thankfully my lover pulled the nourishing Karl out of his bag of tricks!"
the act of jizzing in a cup, microwaving it for 1 minute before throwing it in a chicks face... I don't know why people are misrepresenting the hot Karl but its rather upsetting.
Joe gave Jane a hot Karl leaving 3rd degree burns on her neck and face
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Related to a hot karl.
Essentially the same thing, but instead of using solid shit bricks, you launch a home-made beef stew into a sock.
"Yo Alex, I heard you got food poisoning after you ate at taco bell. What did you do?"
"Oh, I got the runs. I used it and boiling karl'd my mom."
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