A female who you might not believe is truly a female upon first glance...or second. Strong jaw line, manly features are just some traits of a He-man.
Are you kidding me?! Have you seen Sodas new conquest? She's a real He-man!
The act of inserting your fist into your partners vagina (or anus), then lifting them over your head and shouting "I have the power!"
I smashed my head off of the ceiling fan when he he man-ed me
He is the guy that sleeps with everyone
Why won’t you date Tony
He is the streets, Jessica
Extremely anti social but kind and intelligent. Law abiding and serious. A bit awkward and nerdy when you meet them for the first time.
If you want answers, just ask Zhi He
A common yet extremely useless callout used in communication reliant, multiplayer video games. Ex: COD, Apex, Fortnite, etc.
This phrase is mostly said during times of great stress, when the player is not able to use their words correctly and ends up blurting out useless noise to their teammates.
When used, the teammate of said player will have little to zero idea where their adversary is and will probably end up dead or extremely injured due to the mass confusion incited by their unstrung teammate.
It is recommended to not use this phrase even though it has become a bad habit to many casual and low-intelligence players. The consequence of this phrase is usually a heated and aggravated argument between teammates.
*Fighting* *Player1 goes down*
Player1: Bro he's one right there!
Player2: Right where?!
Player1: Right there! Can't you see!?!
*Both Players Die*
Player1: Dude, can you not see with your eyes or sum'? He was right there.
Player2: You could not be less specific with shitty ass callout. *In a mimicking voice* "Right there, right there, he's right there..." maaaan shut the fuck up with that bullllshit. How the actual fuck am I supposed to know where, 'right there' is!? Dude was upstairs in the bathroom dummy! Is that too hard to say?!
Player1: Sheesh bro chill...