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When you have rough anal sex with a girl then you pull out quick causing the inside of her anal cavity to protrude outwards like a dirty pink sock then you use your big toe to stick the pink sock back inwards

Yo Coen last night I totally did the Ben Wade to that girl from Kmart.

by NorthSydeJeysus December 14, 2023

Levi Wade

A person that is a fucking GENIUS, and sometimes rizzes up his brothers.
He is a great person and will cheer you up even if your sad.
He is the type of person who has a crush on his sister and continuously tells his father to move with him to Alabama.
He is the oldest out of his siblings and a great example. He plays guitar, and is pretty good at it. He does Jazz Band and is a funny person in general.

He is great at writing books and loves military stuff.

That kids a genius. He must be a Levi!
My son? Levi Wade. He plays guitar!

by AshyWashyEatsRatz February 9, 2024

American Recording Artist Wade Wiseman

One of the greatest American recording artists better than Kanye of all time

I saw the American Recording Artist Wade Wiseman show at eden it was insane bro

by Stickyboy11 July 12, 2022

Pulling A Wade

When you dog your mates for some basic bitch or your puppy.

"Hey bro want to hang out?"
"Nah man seeing lilly"
"Don't be gay"

"Fuck off cunts im leaving the boys"
"Dude do you are Pulling A Wade"

by The Jacob Mabb September 17, 2014

Pulling A Wade

When you dog your mates for some basic bitch or your puppy.

"Hey bro want to hang out?"
"Nah man seeing lilly"
"Don't be gay"

"Fuck off cunts im leaving the boys"
"Dude do you are Pulling A Wade"

by The Jacob Mabb September 17, 2014


Wade-ly is the dood
NUFF said

He is a God

A true Legend

Everybody loves him (even your Mom)

He does indeed wear goggles in the pool

He's the true Meester

See that man over there? That... That is a Wade-ly

by TheManUB3 January 5, 2024


Wade-ly is the dood
NUFF said for sure

He is a God (although not like Kratos)

A true Legend, that you will only ever experience once

A great person from start to finish

Everybody loves him (even your Mom, hell maybe even your Cousin)

He does indeed wear goggles in the pool

Might secretly be rich, but honestly, who knows

He's the true Meester, and forever will be, no questions asked

See that man over there? That... That is a Wade-ly

Yo! Look at that! That's a Wade-ly, man that's cool...

by TheManUB3 January 5, 2024