When a girl let's their lady garden run wild.
"Yo, that girl Jess I hooked up with last night had bare bush - it was a real wild meadow down there."
To use a public bathroom without ever being a customer because your colon is about 90 seconds from blowing out. Dropping Wild Deuces usually involves little to no eye contact. At most, the person throwing down will shrug their shoulders evoking a head shake from the employee.
Manager: "Have you seen the guy in the red hat?"
Employee: "Yeah - he dropped Wild Deuces then high-tailed it for the door. When I asked if he needed any help, he just said 'I'm good' without ever making eye contact."
Manager: "Sh*t - again! Wild Deuces again! I'm going to go to his house, drop Wild Deuces, and then just leave without ever saying 'hi' to his wife or anything."
British slang for an erection.
"Dude, Aari totally has a wild mild"
"Who gave it to him?"
"Probably Steven"
A woman defined as a cake which engages in a variety of sexual acts nearing on the extreme side
She has perused most fetishes . She's quite a wild cake .
Out of control wild
- If something is not just out of control, but is also wild
"Yo Josh, that night was OC Wild. I boned 3 chicks"
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A boy or a girl who goes through different boyfriends and fucks them and then leaves
She's a wild fox. You don't want her