Mr. Wrinkles is the best dog name ever. He is usually a pug, with a very wrinkly face. Very dumb, very good boy. Loves food, and has missing teeth.
1: aww ur dog is so cute good boy oh he’s dumb too
2: yeah, he’s a Mr. Wrinkles
a person that has no balls to commit to a relationship. henceforth, there are no balls in the scrotum, so it is just a wrinkle.
“he led you on too long. he’s such a penis wrinkle. if he can’t commit, there’s no point.”
someone who isn't quite a dick but is still a huge ass hole.
"hey joey have you heard of that new kid?"
"yeah man i heard he is huge penis wrinkle!"
Penis wrinkle a crevice that is located on the men's cock
Damn bro you're so skinny you look like a penis wrinkle
Any person who surpasses the level of fucktard
Friend: look at this fucktard bro he let his buddies give him an atomic wedgie
Me: no thats a penis wrinkle bro