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oh yee

Lazy way to say oh yeah without opening the mouth. Came about by sitting in computer class and being tired.

I got an A, oh yee. time to party.

by Yolandacheese January 19, 2007

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yee doee

yee doee

Person 1: Vonces! The sucking and blowing of the hookah tonight was awesome!

Person 2: yee doee

by abedinthehouse January 17, 2011

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Yee Deezy

A term you can say after anything.

man 1: whats crackin homie, you bustin that shit?
man 2: YEE DEEZY!!!

man 1: you smackin those hoes?
man 2: you know it foo, YEEE DEEEZY!

man 1: what did you have for dinner today?

by Turtle Fucker March 12, 2005

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A young chinese princess of the late 16th century. Siu-yee was married at the age of thirteen to 60-year-old Xiu-xie-yao. They had twelve children together. Siu-yee had murdered all but one of her children by the time they were eight years old.

That woman is a horrible mother. She must be a Siu-yee.

by asdfghjkl123345667890 April 12, 2010

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yee dogsy

An expression hollered by all Americans and other exciteable types in moments of sheer exhilaration.

The 'Cobra': "At last I am getting a transfer away from this piss poor club that doesn't even own it's own stadium. YEE DOGSY!!"

by Matty Boy October 12, 2004

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Yee Hawdies

Domestic terrorists, willing to kill themselves in a pointless attempt to please Donald Trump

One of the Yee Hawdies tasered his own nutsack at Capitol Hill.

by Mcneilgirl January 13, 2021

ching yee

Ching Yee: A person (generally female) who looks incredibly similar to Gerald the sea lion from finding Dory. Is also the butt of every joke and falls ill from breathing.

Ching Yee noun

A: Dude that chick looks like a sea lion.
B: Dayum, she’s a Chingyee.

A: Yo, Samantha can’t come in today, she’s sick.
B: Again? From what? She hasn’t been out all weekend!
A: You know she’s a Chingyee...

by Ohmyshitake January 4, 2018