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a skinny redhead head with freckles.

if you see a skinny redhead with freckles just assume there name is dylan.

usually surrounded by popular people and are sometimes annoying.

person 1: you see that redhead with freckles

person 2: yeah that's a dylan

by reeeeecec December 22, 2020


A beautiful, yet intelligent woman. Sometimes she can be sensitive, but its worth it to spend a second with her. They're a great friend and will always have your back!

"Woah, I just met a Dylan."


by defghjk February 14, 2018


Dylan is a understanding, sweet and funny guy. He is so great to get to know, because he will trust and understand you from day one. He's very freindly and loves to laugh. He's not going to hurt you he's going to completely and unconditionally and fully love you and if you break him he simply will keep loving you.So protect him and cherish him.

Freind 1 : Hey, are you going to hang with us
Dylan: totally

by MEE.TOO February 8, 2017


Dylan comes across shy and quiet at first, but as you get to know him he shows that he is really funny and caring. Although he is kinda mean and sassy at times he means the best and would do anything for his friends. Dylan gives great advice and is always there whenever something is wrong to help you feel better. A good boyfriend, although he has his flaws and isn't afraid to admit them. What he doesn't have in looks he makes up for in humor and quick wits. If you find a Dylan make sure you treasure him because he becomes lonely very quickly if he feels as though he's been forgotten or taken advantage of.

Dylan is an amazing friend.

by visiblethunder November 18, 2017


a professional hacker that will hack the omniverse !

Dylan: YoU FUckINg NIgGEr MonKEy I'M goINg To HaCk yOu aLl sKIds !

by Geneva Ayala June 21, 2018


💙I remember the first time I ever laid eyes on you. You were standing there, oblivious to my existence, chatting with a friend. There was just something about you that called out to me. Maybe it was the way you talked with your hands or how you laughed. I can’t really place my finger on exactly what it was. I was a very shy person and almost didn’t talk to you. But today I am so thankful I got the courage to. It will always be my favorite day. Baby, always remember to take it easy. Don’t stress yourself out too much and don’t lose yourself by doing more than you’re capable of doing. Slow and steady will always win the race. Take your time and do the best you can. Just remember I love and miss you very much. I hope you have a great day baby!😘❤️

-Caroline 🤪

I love you Dylan!

by HisBrat January 8, 2021


Pretty much the worst person in existence. He is constantly screwing things up with his clumsy self and stupidity.

Person 1: Who do you have to do your math project with?

Person 2: Dylan

Person 3: OMG! He is going to ruin your grade and try to hit on you the whole time

by zane the person January 3, 2018