one awsome mother fucking mom of a lezbian bisexual tranny named jillian finley, she is a prostitute in camden nj.. mamma fin is in a guy with michael schepis and mamma zig.. they smoke weed all day and kill people.. there gang is the schepis gang.. the gang lkeader may apear to have the pilsbury dough boy on his neck... MAMMA FIN IS THE SHIT I LOVE U<333333333333333333
mamma fin
girl 1: are you going to that party tonight?
girl 2: no thor not fin
girl 1: wtf 🤔
What I call homo-sapiens addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes
Person 3: Fin (end)
A fold or bit of blanket forming a "fin" shape
Snuggle Partner #1 "Is that shark in our bed?!"
Snuggle Partner #2 "No, it's just a blanket fin."
Snuggle Partner #1 "Wheww! Close one..."
The fin created on one side of your hair/head when you vomit (boot) from drinking too much and then sleep in a pool of it. The fin formation is the result of it drying and creating the ultimate hair spiker.
Man, look at Tim—he's going to have a boot fin in the morning.
Is that hair mousse or a boot fin?
Yesterday I woke up with a boot fin and couldn't remember how I got it.