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the flop trio

The flop trio is made of 3 people on Roblox, they are PARFAITFLOP, CHERRYBLOSSOMFLOP, and NOONEFLOPPED.

Person : Hey look the FLOP TRIO is playing roblox

by V3ND0R V3N May 6, 2022

The Flop Trio

A trio who is made by flops. Usually a sub-unit, they are four but the fourth isn't a flop. The Flop Trio's name's start with a v, h and m.

"The Flop Trio will join"

by ariiczx May 6, 2022

Flopping Flamingo

When you go down on a girl while she is standing and latch/munch/bite her clitoris causing her to flail her arms around like a Flamingo

James: Last night I was so pissed at my girlfriend Kimmie that I bit her clitoris and she acted like a Flopping Flamingo!

by Reywd Samoht August 26, 2011

Flop Doggin

Walking around naked with a flaccid penis.

My roommate is always flop doggin so watch out when you come over.

After sex I walk around the apartment flop doggin.

I was in my room flop doggin when my uncle walked in. He wouldn’t leave for some reason.

by Eaton Holgoode October 11, 2018

Razzle Flopping

To Razzle Flop: The urge to have sex with a guy after you hear a really good song.

After Abby heard that song, she really wanted to go razzle flopping with a bloke in her chemistry lab.

by BigDaddyHen September 21, 2011

Muffin Flop

When someone is wearing such tight pants paired with an even tighter shirt or vest which makes their muffin top hang over and flap in the breeze.

"Look at the muffin flop on that twink"

by DrewciferNYC March 9, 2009

fitton flop

A variation on soul patch, only denoting one which is off-centre.

In honour of the dart player Daryl "The Dazzler" Fitton, who sported an off-centre soul patch in the semi-final of the 2005 Lakeside World Championship.

My hand slipped when i was trimming it and turned it into a fitton flop, so i just shaved it off and i'm gonna start again.

by the other bag boy June 17, 2005