The sexiest man that ever existed. Also an amazing boyfriend. Omar is super handsome and charming. He has a beautiful, caring heart and is the perfect man for meeee <3
Omar can get it whenever he wants cuz he’s that
fine and takes care of my soul.
The greatest person that i've ever meet.
He is handsome, kinda tall, tan, has cutest dimple and also beautiful smile.
Sometimes he is goofy and sometimes he can be serious. He is the most amazing boyfriend that i ever have and i'm so lucky to get someone like him.
Omar is such a good boyfriend
Omar is a good person to have as your friend he is kind and generous and loyal
all of these names represent just a nigga with dreads who’s really logical and intelligent but lacks his emotional side a bit, he just be staring & shit for no reason, feminine divine if you must but also built like that cinnamon stick from the box, the fact of the matter is, he’s nothing special, he just there to be there
person: WOAH who is that long ass torso mf with dreads?
person 2: man that’s just a nigga don’t worry about it dawg he just a nigga
omar: you mean me? the greatest? it’s omar
person 2: shut the FUCK up omar
a virgin and the possibility of him getting laid are very low
this guy won't get any girls, he is a Omar
Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell is even that? I never met an Omar I liked. Is he a goat banging hummus eater or is he a Latin conquistador and quesadilla afecionado? They’re pompous assholes who feel entitled to anything and everytning. Yes, they’re sexy as all hell but it doesn’t justify the rotten behavior they display for everyone. Fuck an Omar,
Omar is such a cunt muscle