A Brittany is someone who feels no need to work hard even though she is getting paid well for an entry level job. She feels no need to give customers a fair product or service for the high prices they are forced to pay, because she feels entitled to be getting paid just to focus on her looks on a phone app or her friends on Insta or Snapchat. "To hell with people who worked their ass off and deserve a fair product or service", is their attitude. The world must cater to me because I am a spoiled little girl or boy in my early twenties often, with inch long false lashes and thick makeup. He or she feel like, "hell my parents spoiled me, so why wont you?!" A "Jakey " (nick name for Jake,) is the male version of a Brittany. A Jakey feels no need to try to learn the products or services he is supposed to be helping his customer with. He often says, "Um, I don't really know,.. I just started, (even after a month,) and doesn't even bother to ask you if you'd like him to go get someone who can answer your product related question for you. "He's just too lazy and self absorbed to think that the high cost his company is making you pay for the service, means that you actually deserve anything of value in return. To a Brittany or a Jakey, they will do anything to avoid responsibility for being fair with you, and even resort to whining that you're just a karen" if you just want a reasonably fair product or service for all that money you are forced to spend everywhere you go.
Omg, Mark, that chick was such a Brittany!.. She just told me to check back another day to see if they still had the sweater that was advertised, instead of getting out of her seat to ask her supervisor or look it up online just to make an honorable effort. When I asked if she could please "maybe check with someone just to be sure", she rolled her eyes, put her phone down, and mumbled to her twenty something coworker "what a karen." Wow, even though I worked three times as hard for a third of the wage that she gets at that age, I guess it's too much to ask for a quality product or service for that crazy high price we are being charged. Where is the respect for our fellow human beings anymore?
Brittany is a really confident girl who will show alot of confidence around her friends but over thinks everything that she says once they leave. Shes probably white, blue eyes, skinny, and has adhd
bruh Brittany is so confident i wish i was her
Brittany’s are so pretty and innocent looking even if they’re into dark things they’re just beautiful exotic human beings! They make great girlfriends, the best wife you could ever ask for, and the best moms! Don’t let her go! She’s sad deep down but she will love you harder than anyone! Rita us are so rare! She’s got a heart of gold and is very kind, but don’t get on her bad side, she can be very heartless. Her personality is the best, so genuine and blunt, super bubbly and easily entertained, just so adorable. She loves all kinds of music, usually everyone likes Brittany, all types of people fall for her.
I love Brittany!
Brittany is a great mom, I’m proud of her!
Brittany is a gem.
Brittany is so hot!
I’ve had a crush on Brittany since I first met her.
Some who loves animals and sour fruit.
My friend Brittany sure is wild!
A gorgeous blonde green eyed women who is shy and introverted. She is always working on herself, however, she is one of the most emotionally intelligent humans on earth. While she is shy, she will open up and have extremely engaging meaningful conversations with any human. She gives her light to all people...even people that do not deserve her kindness and take advantage of it. She is athletic, smart, silly, and girly if she wants to be. She also has an amazing singing voice. Men and women all would love to be with her, but her innocence scares some suitors away because they don’t want to “tarnish” it.
Wow! Brittany is the sweetest human I’ve ever met.
Brittany is always helping people even if does not benefit her.
Bitch that no one likes, a slut who needs her ass beat.
Don't pull a Brittany I just caught her with my friends man.