Someone who spreads dog food on their genitals in order to attract the attentions of a family pet.
I swear I could smell Pedigree Chum, I bet he's a real Champ Whistler.
a stoopid skool that is for drugs and not cool peeps
"Wow that school sucks"
"I know its champs charter highschool"
an unproblematic school that is rivals with lightridge high school. they have all the hot boys and hot girls but a very bad sports team. if only it didnt look like a very ugly school.
"oh my gosh, see that cute guy over there? he must go to champe high school!"
The sperm that won the race and turned out to be a clueless human.
You just tripped over your own shoelace swim champ.
Champorado (Choco rice porridge)...oh did you scroll all the way for this?
Let me tell you my favorite Pinoy breakfast dish---champ!
A fine boy who will make you blush a lot , can be funny but also knows how to have a good deep conversation. Also very NONCHALANT but smart and acts like he doesn’t care but honestly does don’t get you a champ bc he is already got
you seen that new boy champ he cute and smart
champ is a slang word that people use in the DMV (dc, maryland, virgina). when you call someone or say someone is champ this means that they said something cringey or childish.
How someone would say it in a convo
I walk by*
Mariah: ew your farted (making a joke about farting)
Me: Girl.. you champ as shit (“as shit” would be spelt like es in a text message or if I wrote it)
Another Example:
Lauren: starting and argument for no reason*
Me: Girl you beefing with yourself . Champ ass..