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Cheesy Handful

1. I'm not even gonna say what it is, but you need two chicks, a cat, and an ice cream scoop... and you die at the end.

"I was studying last night with two chics and this cat walked by with an ice cream scoop in its mouth and the cheesy handful was born." ~ Last known words of the mastermind behind the Cheesy Handful

by handcraft February 5, 2009

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Cheesy Scrod

A woman who is no longer, or never was, desireable. Usually used to describe your friends ex. Derived from a Florida restuarant sign advertising the special of the day "Cheesy Scrod $10.99".

"Man, that bitch you were with was such a cheesy scrod."

by Spanks Johnson August 10, 2005

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cheesy bread

a chunky, distasteful food item served by domino's pizza; can be found at six flags and tastes like shit; a weak imitation of real pizza; something that sucks dick because of horrendous taste

Benny: He man, want some food?
Chester: Yeah, I'm really famished.
Benny: Hey, I know...let's get some Cheesy Bread.
Chester: No, that stuff sucks dick.

by Gus Veggie May 9, 2009

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Cheesy Octopus

Take eight fingers and dip them in nacho cheese, then finger a girl. Afterward, have her lick whatever is on you fingers off.

Hey bro, last weekend was the BOMB. I gave yuhr sister a cheesy octopus. Give her a week and her taste buds will be back in que.

by Lockmastr June 2, 2010

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Cheesy Potato

New age form of describing a vagina. Often used when speaking of lesbians.

"Wait, is cheey potato the new word for vagina?"

by SaV January 8, 2005

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Cheesy Chihuahua

Primary: An loud, obnoxious person (yapper), who is also:
1. very tacky, and/or
2. disingenuous or inauthentic -cheesy, a cheese weasel, and/or
3. one who possesses one or more of the traits above and usually is also of short stature. See also napoleon, Short Person Syndrome.

Angela is such a cheesy chihuahua. Did you see how she hijacked the meeting with her loud mouth, took all the credit for the project, and yet actually did nothing contribute?

by CheetahCats April 11, 2010

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cheesy schlong

1. When your schlong is drenched in a thick, oily sludge (also known as "dick cheese") as a result of poor penal hygene.
2. When you swab your throb cob in a large, lukewarm vat of week old stadium cheese.

1. "I have not showered in a while, so now i have a cheesy schlong."
2. "Salutations, my dear mad'am. I have inquired the knowledge of thou's compulsory indulgences of lactose-based treats, therefore I humbly offer you to succulate upon the Cheesy Schlong for which I dangle forth."

by GoodOldNO_NAME August 25, 2017

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