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gomar choad

a man who likes to rape little girls

sally came home one day and told everybody that gomar choad raped her in the butt, but she liked it

by jermain thomas ( gomars cousin ) April 30, 2003

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afzalidaddy choad

the choad belong to an afzal who is actually a daddy. afzal had his child (also called afzal) when he was 12 or 13 and they both posess choads.

afzal and afzal junior have afzalidaddy choads.

by tom hide December 6, 2006

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Choad (aka taint meat)

meat btween a male species balls and brown eye, and btween females kitty and hershey highway

1. that mustve hurt ,being kicked in the choad.
2. Dont be such a choad.

by Smoke more bud! May 14, 2003

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Choad blower

A person who specializes in giving blow jobs to people with choads

Mr. Duffy is such a choad blower

by Big dam February 28, 2024

Choad Woodle

A horny rumor spreader and a stalker. A blonde bearded male who enjoys ruining the lives of introverts.

Person 1: Hey are you gay?

Person 2: No, why?

Person 1: Oh, John must be a Choad Woodle. He's making up rumors about you.

Person 2: Dangit John! Fuck that C.W.

by ApersonA October 25, 2020

Dorsal Choad

An oversized fin shaped , flap of skin , (landing strip), connecting male or female anus to penis or vagina.

My dorsal choad is chafed and inflamed, Dr. Paul, please script me meds to shrink.

by Rivardary June 16, 2019

Boiled choad

A person who is thicker than he is tall, and is wrinkled as if he had been boiled for too long.

That old fat guy over there really looks like a boiled choad

by A-Aron balake January 15, 2015