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Corking it completely

Corking it completely refers to completely messing something/yourself up. However, it could also refer to crashing (going to sleep) but only if you or the person in question is very tired. Other forms of the term include corked completely and totally corked. Also, this term should not be confused with corking it

1. I studied so much for the geography test but I still corked it completely...
2. My brains turning to mush and I can’t think straight... I think I might cork it completely.

by Bean Fiend May 18, 2018

Champagne Cork

When your girl challenges you to keep your dick in her while she blows a queef. You know, stop her up like a champagne cork.

My girl had to queef so I stuck my dick in her like a champagne cork to calm her guts.

by Purpleheartsgt06 May 19, 2021

Poo Cork

A 'poo' so big that it clogs the toilet.

Honey, I had a poo cork so big last night, that the water could hardly move when I flushed.

by smbs82 July 7, 2010

All Corked up

When a man’s wiener is fully erect

I went down on that mf and he was all corked up!

by Gennymia July 15, 2024

Durham Corking

The act of participating in anal sex with a willing partner, cumming in their ass, and then proceeding to employ a butt plug to “cork” the seminal fluid in their anal cavity to age and mature.
After a number of days, this will ferment into a unique beverage suitable for consumption via fletching.

“Right then mate— last night I went Wetherspoons down the kings road… orange haired geeza’ asked me for a Durham Corking— so I came in his arse and plugged ‘im up. Absolutely impeccable. Better than that piss Carling that’s for true.”

by Euney May 8, 2024

Red cork

A fake discriminatory word that is offensive to red heads with no reason to hate the,.
This saying is used to confuse people.
If someone says it, by accident, become offended or shush and tell them to never say it again out loud. (Kinda like the n word)

“Hey, would you help me remove this red cork for me??”
“You don’t know? Don’t say that.....”
Say what?”
“Shhhh it’s a bad word just don’t say it”

by Aliwerm November 21, 2020

Cork sniffer

People who are apart of the New Aged Pipe Smokers.

Dang, you’re a cork sniffer?
Yeah. I love the new aged pipe smokers!

by Rileyh212 April 5, 2022