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A term for white people because of their obvious resemblance to Saltines.

(black guy sees a white person in the hood):
"look at that white cracker tryin to be all ghetto n shit"

by the Slayer August 4, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


a fukin dick succing white person

this goes out to all u fukkin gay racist honkey-ass crackers

if ur not one of those ignorant redneck cousin-fukkin birdshits

disregard this messege

one of those gay crackers who spends all day on his/her computer talkin shit about other races but are to scared to talk shit in our face

by Beaner && proud February 20, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


humorous racist term now used most commonly by black people, to refer to white people.

the term is derived from the fact that bitch-ass white slave-owners used to "crack" their whips on their black slaves.

CRACKER: hey, im white and im extremely intimidated by you because your black but im trying my best not to show it.

NIGGA: wats gooood cracker?, AHAHAHA

by RickyRoss88 May 2, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used to describe a white person much like redneck, white trash, pigs etcetera. Most whites believe Cracker should be taken with the same level of harshness as Nigger but few know of the white mans ways towards blacks many years ago when they served as slaves. Presently blacks use the word to insult whites for whites have insulted and suppressed them in society. Setting standards and not allowing blacks to reach them in society. Ultimately leading to the selling of drugs and other illegal activities to survive in the white mans world.

Stupid Cracker you're a cancer to this earth and all that it stands for! BE GONE!!!

by Tell[it]like-itis August 24, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cracker (n) (cracยทka)

On larger, corporate like plantations there were separate "crackers" in addition to the "master". This individual wasn't the "master", he was a "cracker", as in another white man beneath the white "master", doing the grunt work, as in "white trash" or "bitch" or "assistant manager". The cracker did all the legwork of the "master", whose hands never got dirty while making a profit.

Also, on smaller plantations/farms, the "master" and the "cracker" were one in the same, making the word interchangeable in those settings. The "master/cracker" was deadly and not to be trusted, yet at the same time gullible and stupid.

The term was a subversive insult used by slaves among slaves, which whites were ignorant to, and still in use today. Ask any white person what "cracker" means and they will say something incredibly retarded about how their skin matches crackers, as in cheese&crackers.

Look at that dumb cracker trying to ...*fill in the blank*

by Andi1 April 27, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A dirty white person like all them is. Red necks who try to be like africans that go out in the sun and get tans to try to be like brown people(african americans) and get cancer.
Pale ugly people that are dumb enough to name themselves crackers becuase their the dumb ass's that created english so they started their own bullshyt if it wasnt for them they wouldnt be crackers and other races werent dumb enough to make up dumb names for themselves.

The cracker was like "like oh my god i totally broke a nail"

I hate crackers

by keyk July 10, 2006

47๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used as a racist term torwards the white race. Cracker has been around since the start of the slave trade, since the niggers would call their masters a cracker due to the sound the whip made when cracked to get a nigger back to work (which rarely worked so mutiple whippings had to be endured, this is also why a nigger has a strong back). White people often find nothing wrong with the word cracker unless your a Klu Klux Klan memebr, then that nigger is going to be hanging from a tree in a matter of minutes and put on display for the world where no one will give a fuck about a dead nigger.

Jamone- i hait crackers cuz i cantz get a jub so i will jus keep on stayin on muh welfare monies till i die.
Jesse- me 2 nigga dey is y my life is so bad lets go rape dat white woman ova der!.
White Man- There shall be no such rapings going on under my watch of you two niggers while in my prison! I sentence you to hanging from the tallest oak tree with the thickest nigger hair rope!.

by Alex A Harper March 17, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž