Source Code

Que dices loko!?

A Spanish way to say hello to your homies

Que dices loko!?-What up man!?

by JowySBD November 23, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Roll your dice.

The vinegar strokes, to feed the Ducks, knocking one out, choke the Chicken, beat the meat, bash the bishop, spank the plank, shake hands with the vicar, one off the cuff, wanking, Masturbation.

Nothing on telly again? Why don't you go up to your room and roll your dice?

by Neil November 24, 2003

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

a chi mi dice

a song that was sung by the british boyband blue. the lyrics were written by tiziano ferro

a chi mi dice is the best blue song ever

by jessmess June 6, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

como se dice

Como se dice is the most annoying sentence in the world. It is used in Romania by the Italian people like a pick up line.

Italian people: Como se dice...
Romanian girl: O shit, I already like your personality!

by Robert Zmash November 20, 2016

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

roll your dice

to play with your balls before carefully dropping them into a girls mouth

please just be careful while rolling your dice

by daftdon November 25, 2003

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i used to roll the dice

A joke translation of "Vivi La Vida" by ColdPlay

I used to roll the dice, feel my dick in my enemy's ass
Listen as the crowd would sing, now the old king is dead. Lol.
One minute I held my nuts, next my balls were closer on me
And I discovered sans. Apon pillars of salt and pillars of salt and pillars of salt and pillars of salt
I hear Jackie chan singing, omae wa mou shindeiru
Beat my meat
My soooooooooooooos
For some reason I can't explain, why we live in a sociaty
Were gamers
Don't rule the world.

by The blabber mouth February 26, 2021

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Rollin' dice

im pretty sure this means to smoke crack, and blow lines as well.

remember then niggaz from the hill up in brownsville that you rolled dice with, smoked blunts and got nice with..
~~Notorious B.I.G.

by 40oz. August 10, 2004

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