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phantom pissing disorder

A rare disorder characterized by a neurosensory disturbance that leads a person to think they have pissed themselves, but they have not.

During fits of uncontrollable hysterical laughter, she had bouts of Phantom Pissing Disorder that plagued her.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 13, 2020

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Angry Bitch Disorder

When a woman, usually overcome by anger will punish or act in a hostile manner toward an individual but when asked will not identify the reason for her anger rendering an adult solution to the problem impossible.

She isn't speaking to me. I'd try to make things right but she's got Angry Bitch Disorder so I can't figure out what the problem is.

by KG989 June 27, 2012

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dumb bitch disorder

sis is always making dumb ass decisions and choices. also lacks social abilities like speaking and basically just living. She usually gets a crush every two weeks but will always be extremely unsocial when around them, often makes them uncomfortable. shit, they do so much dumb shit it takes a toll on their body

she has dumb bitch disorder it makes her bonkers

by bicthesbebonkers March 21, 2019

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Quarter Hoarder Disorder

An obsession for state quarters that renders a sufferer incapable of spending a them. They must save every state quarter they come into contact with. Also known as QHD.

I just picked up 3 MN Quarters at Subways, maybe they will sell me some more. "Boy I could use a soda, but all I have is state quarters, water it is, damn that Quarter Hoarder Disorder."

by Duecey 2 January 12, 2010

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Binge eating disorder

A disorder where an individual eats an excessive amount of food in a short period of time and during these episodes feels as if they have no control. A lot of people describe it as a compulsion, binge eating disorder is an illness which is often overlooked and even ignored. It is a lot like bulimia but the individual doesnt participate in activities to 'rid themselves' of the food. This does not mean they don't feel guilt or regret.

Binge eating disorder is also known as BED

by 4321anon January 24, 2015

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Stanky pussy disorder

A girl whos thinks shes the shit but really has the fishiest stankiest pussy in the world and every guy who eats it cant tell if hes eating sushi or eating her out

Yo that girl with the blue hair has major stanky pussy disorder

by Witcheater December 17, 2019



Is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, wanted thoughts of DOWNLOADING Anything and everything you feel compelled to have or don't have.


The Overwhelming feeling that there is never enough storage space on a terabyte or larger hard drive even when half full.

The refusal to download any thing larger than 500 megabytes in order to conserve storage space.

Searching for the smallest possible torrent file size saving even more storage space and gaining faster downloading speeds allowing you to download more at once.

Excessively shopping online for external hard drives with more storage space just to have an extras. Also known as (GIG HOPPING)


Was searching for a certain TV series and was compelled to download others. COMPULSIVE DOWNLOADING DISORDER