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Fear gas

Fear gas is the gas that you spray out of your butt after eating a combination of foods and enjoying drinks that cause a painful mix of gas.

Fear gas can also clear out a few aisles in a store, give you more space on a crowded train, and is a simple way of getting back at your friends after they prank you.

Also, things such as a combination of hot wings, chili dogs and beer can produce fear gas.

Mary : Hey Bob, how come there aren't any shoppers in aisle 6?

Bob: Some shopper sprayed some fear gas while he was in aisle 6.

by Bluelager November 26, 2010

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Fear porn

Content that is often conspiratorial and about the end of the world in some way. Highly addictive for its paranoia and disassociating side affects.

Joe's into flatearth fear porn even though he knows it's retarded.

by kunumbo September 23, 2017

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fear figment

Most people who play the online game of "runescape" would know the term "Fear Figment" originates from the Latin word Lagayoshemalas. Translates into a homosexual shemale.

You see two men kissing. Then one of them turn around and kiss a woman. YOU FRIGGING FEAR FIGMENT!

by Cheese From TLP July 20, 2006

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A person, usually female, who uses sex as a means to justify their existence. The result being a temporary alleviation of the fear of invisibility.
Sexual bulimia

"It's not that Jenny is a slut, per se, she's a FEARFUCKER. She thinks that getting reamed by any stranger qualifies her as a 'Hottie'"

by Cyn March 18, 2004

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fear and loathing

a weekend set aside for the exssive consumption of narcotics with total dissregard for personal saftey and the saftey of those around you.
the term can be used retrospectivley to describe the complete abscence of any memory of the weekend caused by massive brain damage from narcotical abuse.

man i have no idea what happened after i downed my first pill on friday i just woke up sunday mornin after fear and loathing.

by tony morris May 23, 2006

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The politicians who are now in office across the United States. The politician's that keep us all in "fear" FEAR FEAR FEAR! of non existant "imminent" terrorist attacks, so they can "protect" us by taking away our freedoms, given to us by the Constitution of the United States.
The politician's that think that the reason we were attacked on 9/11 and any other time in history is because we are a "free Christian" nation and not because of the "American Empire" we have been building around the world since the end of WWII.

Cliff:I don't know who to vote for..Obama has very socialist views and wants to tax me to death to pay lazy people and to take care of people in Africa with Aids and Mccain is a Fear-atician who wants to take over the world and keep us all afraid of the world around us and sway us into giving up our freedoms and privacy.
Stacy: Looks like we need a 3rd party on the ballot,like a Constitutionalist. Maybe one day the American people will want Real Change.

by Whitebread0000 September 13, 2008

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Fear inoculum

Fear of James Maynard cumming in ones bum

Fuck bro, ive got Fear Inoculum so bad

by Toughski February 14, 2021

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