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Feminist: a person who believes that all genders should be treated equally
Not to be confused with misandry which is a hatred for all men, see sexism

Commonly misused by ignorant fucks in place of misandrist or someone who wants respect (definitely not the same thing don’t get your boxers in a twist)
A radical feminist (misandrist pretty much) may be referred to as a feminazi

Most of the people writing definitions of this word need to look up what feminism means
Feminist: says anything
The men on this website: what a man hating bitch!

by momnamedmedeathruinandpoverty April 21, 2018

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I'll make it clear for y'all
What a feminist IS:
-someone who believes in equality between men and women
-does care about men's issues and third world women's issues
-does not want female supremacy
-is angry a lot, but only at people's stupidity
-they come in all shapes sizes and genders

What a Feminist is NOT:

-a misandrist
-ignores men's issues and third world women
-wants female supremacy
-angered by everything
-can only be fat

I can't believe I have to say this, y'all should know this shit by now

Feminist: Hi, I'm a feminist. Contrary to popular belief, I, as well as the rest of my fellow feminists, believe in equality between men and women, care about men's issues and third world women's issues, and do not want female supremacy. Yes we do get angry a lot, but only at people's stupidity. Which there is a lot of. Also we come in all shapes sizes and genders.
Someone: Oh my god! Kill all men? You feminists are all evil!
Feminist: Uhmm that's not a feminist... you see we actually just want equality, not revenge
Feminist: Sadly some people still just don't fucking get it...

by NepNep Vasilias January 4, 2019

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A brilliant and brave person that depraved misogynists love to hate.

Feminism is

"the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" --- merriam webster dictionary

Those who oppose feminism by default agree with misogyny and sexism (see other definitions of feminism)

A feminist is the most honorable person around.

by The Happy Humanist April 28, 2010

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A feminist is the bravest and most honourable person (man or woman) out there who has the guts to stand up to all the irrational, MANIC HATE that every single man on this site expresses toward women.

Please read the entries and you will realize how much women are hated by men and how much we need feminism. And you will be genuinely afraid. Who are these people?

Equality is more that being equal under the law. We will have true equality when
- men are encouraged to have a bikini wax twice a month (200 US Dollars), legs and armpits as well please
- men have to wear high heels that mutilate their feet and skirts and tiny tops
- men are told that they are worthless if they have wrinkles and therefore have to buy anti-aging products like there’s no tomorrow
- men will be ostracized severely if they wear the same piece of clothing twice
- beautiful men marry ugly women as frequently as beautiful women marry ugly men
- men take the last names of their wives as frequently as women do
- β€œpussy” and β€œcunt” are no longer used as insults
- men and women split the household chores and the β€œbringing up kids” duties evenly
- women no longer get paid less for the same work
- 95 % of domestic and sexual violence are no longer committed by men against women
- … The list could go on forever

There is no equality, not even in the Western world. If you are a fair person (man or woman) you will agree and try to make this world a better place for EVERYONE. Men and women.

Jason: I am a feminist.
Redeck #1: Boooooooo Hoooooooo Let's kill him, boys!!!!!
Nomal person: Wow Jason, you have balls to risk the wrath of every hick out there!

by The Happy Humanist February 8, 2010

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A feminist is usually NOT a man/woman (usually woman) who wants equality between sexes, instead, they want females to be dominant in society. So basically they are fucking retards.

"Feminists should be wiped off the face of earth."

by You're a Gabe Itch. October 9, 2019

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Someone who believes a male's way of thinking can be one-sided, but a female's never can. Someone who believes females are more necessary to the future of the human race than males, and that they always were more necessary.

The feminist preaches about equality and freedom when she thinks males have slighted her in any way, but thinks its okay for males to get locked up for nothing.

by Solid Mantis July 5, 2019

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The kind of girl that thinks the double standard of slights and comments about older guys having their dad's body, but that its a real shocker when a single guy comments on how many older females have mama's body from partying and years of work and stress is okay, that its only males who should be thinking of how the other sex is human, and does care what people think of them, no matter how much they pretend not to (in a desperate attempt to look nonchalant instead of awkward and silly).

The feminist made snarky comments about guys in their 40s and 50s not having the youthful appearance they did in their 20s and 30s, then complained about how males were obsessed with their bodies and female's bodies, and still couldn't see the double standard they practiced and preached against for what it was. Youth doesn't last forever.

by Solid Mantis September 26, 2019

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