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instant motion films

He REALLY likes superman.

instant motion films has a problem.

by john doe (aka Jackson) January 9, 2021

Period Film

It's that type of film that nobody wants to watch. A film filled with romance, crying, and painful awkwardness. One of the clear signs that you are watching a period film is menstrual blood clashing in all parameters, an exact replica for this scenery is in the Shining movie.

Movie producer: "I want BOOM BAAM SQUASH, so bling bling skeet skeet mathafucka!"
Screen writer: "Oh shit I thought we were going for a Period film"

by WARian January 5, 2019

Sweat Film

A movie made in the age when nobody knew what a shower was, everyone was anxious, and light reflecting off the skin happened even when there was seemingly no light.

Person 1: Ew. What the hell is that movie you're watching?

Person 2: Just some sweat film that my dad keeps recommending me.

by F1 For Help November 13, 2020




by InterpersonalCommunication February 20, 2025

film god

A director that has achieved an incredible amount of excellence in Film, a Master of all Arts.

The greats of cinema, such as Alfred Hitchcock, David Lynch, and James Cameron, along with Andy Warhol are all “Film God

by U.F.E December 17, 2022

Freeway film

1. A film filmed, for the most part, on the freeway. 2. A style of film. A film genre.

1. The film, speed, can be categorised as a freeway film.
2. I think the film, mad max 2, is a grand example of the true essence of freeway film.

by Charles Monroe II January 16, 2019

it films

it films means that it is filming

it films you

by Cozmofats April 5, 2021