Why, you don't know the Filthy Ranker? She has 4000 other names, too. She is a ghost of the court who will suck you off during trial. This generally concludes in a guilty plea and a guilty please.
"I'm not guilty! I didn't beat that man with a crowbar fourty-three times before biting his feet and dipping them in acid. Acid to take for myself, that is. But it doesn't matter, it didn't happen! It was A Filthy Ranker!"
The act of plopping a solid turd on ones feet then slapping their genitalia back and forth with their left hand. After smear the little brown eye escapee onto the back of the victims eyes while using your tounge to harden the nips of the victim.
Guy 1: What is on your shoes!!?
Guy 2: Some douche pulled a filthy Michael on me!!! Guy 1: Ah tough nuts.
When you give yourself a Dirty Sanchez.
Sometimes when I'm feeling squirrely, I give myself a Filthy Gomez.
The act of taking a sluts fecal laden thong and using it to floss between her cavity ridden teeth.
Did you hear about Doug he gave that slut a Filthy Whitacre and she loved it.
The term filthy animal origins from the artist Des Rocs. He refers to his fans/followers as filthy animals, filthy rats or just rats for that matter.
The Filthy Animals can be seen as the Des Rocs fan base.
Rat 1: Filthy Animals have such good taste in music.
Rat 2: ikr!!!
An individual that agrees to perform any act, knowing full well that the consequences are dangerous or embarrassing. A filthy Greco has zero regret, zero morals, and zero shame.
I hooked up with a girl last week that told me she have herpes, I’m meeting her again tonight.
You’re a filthy Greco!
I know, she tied me to the bed and anally penetrated me
Greco you’re filthy!
A phrase commonly used by Australians. A filthy drongo is like calling someone an idiot.
Look at that bloody filthy drongo over there by the barby. He can't even bloody cook the bloody idiot.