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Two Lip Hustle

A "two lip hustle" is a scam that requires nothing but your mouth.

That guy took me for five bucks with nothing but a two lip hustle.

by nada smurf June 13, 2018

Jungle Hustle

To scour through the fridge and pantry for random foods to make up a meal on the spot instead of a following a traditional recipe to prepare a meal.

Husband: Yo babe whats for dinner?

Wife: Unless you feel like cookin' it's Jungle Hustle tonight.

by Mack Cox December 14, 2023

hustle for bred

Selling drugs for money

I grew up in the corner hustle for bred

by Big durk November 23, 2017

Ear Hustle

To listen without your knowledge. To leave a window open to hear everyone's personal information.

She had ear hustle all day long.

by Ghost72 January 7, 2023

Hustle hustle, muscle muscle

A catchphrase said many times by Jyushimatsu Matsuno

Jyushi: Hustle Hustle, Muscle Muscle

by CoolotakuB) April 23, 2023

Hustle Castle

Hustle Castle the game that looks like family guy and also is very horny. Only real chad's dare to download it.

Guy 1: Yo I just downloaded Hustle Castle the game that looks like family guy!
Guy 2: Just be aware of all the girls that are coming at you for downloading such a chad game

by DJLOLLMAO February 22, 2021

Hundred-thousand hustle

When a car hits the 100,000 mi/km mark and starts becoming an endless money pit due to constant repair work needed.

“I want to look for a cheap used car but don’t want anything over 100k on the odometer. I don’t have the time, sanity, or money to go through a hundred-thousand hustle.”

by Original Orangutans August 7, 2019