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by ma dude bra June 11, 2019

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dont start the fire unless you want the smoke

a casual phrase or invitation for someone who wants to fight. Usually said by 7th graders trying to fight 8th graders and sound tough but their not. Can be used when the winning person of the fight says it to the loser as their in the fetal position on the ground crying.

Logan: "on the ground crying after the got whooped"

Aiden: Yeah n*gga, dont start the fire unless you want the smoke

by fu*kN*gga August 30, 2022

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

what starts with p and ends with orn and is the hottest part of the movie industry

The phrase will only be understood by dirty minded people. A word that starts with p and ends with orn is guessed to be porn as it IS the hottest part of the movie industry however the real word is popcorn! Used as a trick to see if someone is dirty minded.

"Hey frank, what starts with P and ends with ORN and is the hottest part of the movie industry?"

"Ehhmmm... Porn?"

"Omg frank, it's popcorn you dirty minded freak!"

by ExpertOnEvrything69 May 29, 2017

132πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Little more choke and you would've started luv!

Helpful advice to give, in the event of someone farting loudly, in public.

1. Refers to 20th Century cars, where the "choke" would give more gas to the acceleration
2. Best delivered using an Australian accent

Scene: Very quiet, contemplative, fine art museum moment. While gazing thoughtfully at Monet's lilies in their pond, large Marge lets rip with a loud, egg-tinged room emptier. A Helpful Gentleman suggests: "Little more choke and you would've started luv!"

by EuroDingo_Word November 21, 2009

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

National Fuck everyone who name starts with a β€˜j’ day

Boys get to fuck girls whose name starts with a β€˜j’. This day is on April 12 . This is the day to lose your virginities ladies. You can’t say no if your asked .

National fuck everyone who name starts with a β€˜j’ day

are :
Juliana,julissa,Jennifer,Jessica,jayla,Julia,juliet, Josephine,joana, Jane,janelle,jaslyn,Judith ,Janna,and Janeth,

by Big hairy titty bitch April 12, 2019

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

up up down down left right left right b a start

The code for Ninendo's Contra to get 9 lives

The only way to beat Contra is to use the "up up down down left right left right B A start" code

by SeeBeeEff May 7, 2006

1330πŸ‘ 382πŸ‘Ž

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start

Famous video game cheat code. Originated in Contra, then reappeared in Gradius (1988). All video game fanatics know this code by heart.

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.

by Myoga1 February 24, 2004

606πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž