The male version of a Karen. A male person who uses his privelige, economic status or ethnicity to demand their way. They view all others beneath them and feel they deserve special treatment. Often discovered through alcohol consumption.
That guy at table 7 wants 7 lemons in his water and snaps when he wants service. The guy is a total Kirk.
weirdo on twitter who once had a smiley face cult, overuses the same memes, is a 00:00 enthusiast, and a pretty cool guy who let this AMAZING girl ella play life is strange on his account
kirk? you mean the guy who had the odd smiley face cult?
Kirk is the last name of anyone who is very sexy and is a male who lives in Thibodaux, Louisiana. This man a must also attend Edward Douglas White Catholic Highschool.
Oh you’re such a Kirk you sexy mf.
to exceed the operational parameters of any piece of machinery, driving a vehicle to the point of destruction or severe mechanical damage. to 'Kirk' something.
'He's going full Kirk in that car' 'Oh he's kirked that motor.'
To break something with your mighty hands.
The machine is broken because he kirked it!