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knowledgeable huzz

Smart Huzz (smart hoes)

I like the knowledgeable huzz

by imboredddbd November 24, 2024

Game Knowledge

Whenever you know something about a game (typically a fighting game) to the point where you have an advantage over the other player(s)

"im only losing to him because of game knowledge bruh istg if i also played since that long i would of won"

by longrangedguardbreaker December 19, 2024


A persons intellect on how much one person knows about a subject that a lot of people on TikTok lack when it comes to school

If only TikTokers went to school, then they would actually have some knowledge of the real world

by Anderfish killer May 31, 2023


The essence of the universe. Knowledge, (also known as cum) revolves around the creation that is all that is.

Teacher: It is my job to spread knowledge to all of you
Student: *fucking dies*

by yeeeeeeeeeeety November 12, 2021


Slang term for the substance or high of methamphetamines.

Guy 1: "Yo tonight let's do some methematics."
Guy 2: "I'm down to gain some knowledge."
Guy 1: "Let's get lurnt as fuck!!!"

by Oreowhite99 April 12, 2017


knowledge (n). pills. used as a codename. derived from the room (??/12/2021)

i was off the knowledge and asked the diana if she'd dine me

by Pilot_suicide January 30, 2022


A group of teachers is called, a Knowledge

All the math teachers formed a Knowledge of teachers.

by Sir Henry 2023 September 23, 2023