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Unfairly maligned by the legal system

It's not "because they're black" you fucking retarded.

Hym "The claim is that Trump is being UNFAIRLY MALIGNED BY THE LEGAL SYSTEM, shit-lib. THAT'S YOUR CLAIM. YOU ARE THE ONES SAYING THE BLACK PEOPLE ARE UNFAIRLY MALIGNED BY THE LEGAL SYSTEM YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. That's the parallel he is darwing when he says he relates to black people. He's not calling black people criminals. Your reading comprehension is bad. Dumb. You're either dumb or dishonest."

by Hym Iam June 7, 2024



When you take a SERIAL NUMBER of any currency and track spending of it by putting the SERIAL NUMBER on another CHANGE from the original CURRENCY UTILIZED.

Having LEGAL SEX that is for an indefinite time where every SEX ACT is accounted for.

When someone gives you money as where you spend it and what is usually kept track of in some way so you might as well use LEGAL TENDER KITING as it will never have their trust for you bounce away from you but will in essence enhance it greatly.

Hey listen better do it right as LEGAL TENDER KITING is just what they you want to do where if they point you to be FIRST IN LINE you got others that are always SECOND IN LINE and that my friend may infer something.


legal death

Known as signing a document that eliminates the company's responsibility of your safety.


A helicopter company with defect vehicles making pilots sign a document that eliminates the company's responsibility of their lives.

"In the industry I'm in, we call that type of deal a legal death"

by NuovoAntares May 11, 2023

Those legally mandated

50,000,000 in defense of those affected by the fentanyl epidemic and vulnerable will defend with needed force in any confrontation best with letters and chaos

Those legally mandated mandatorily engage

by Cody5050 January 26, 2022

Legally incompetent

Nope. No conflation here. I'm maintaining a pretty consistent standard here.

Hym "Nope. I set the bar at legally incompetent. No conflation here."

by Hym Iam March 25, 2023

Legally incompetent

Judged to be unavailable to make rational decisions on their own behalf.

Dumb whore "I fucked a retard that is legally incompetent."

Hym "That makes you a retard molester. What you 'believe in' molesting retards."

by Hym Iam May 16, 2022

Legally incompetent

Yeah... See? Shouldn't be fucking.

Hym "Yeah, the legally incompetent should NOT be fucking is my whole thing so that ain't on me."

by Hym Iam May 8, 2023