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time machine

when you drink too much and black out and wake up not knowing where you are and how you got there....

How did you get home last night? I have no idea I took the time machine home.

by hohohonotoe January 13, 2011

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To the Google Machine

a term someone uses to say look it up on google, but in a more cool way.

Jim-Bob: Who is Santa Christ?
Von Hohenheim: To the Google Machine!

by Tarken Destroyer of Worlds December 8, 2010

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condom machine

A thing that is in every truck stop bathroom. Allows the trucker to get a rubber, so he can fuck one of those skanky hookers that hang around truck stops, without the embarrasment of going up to the cashier. Also commonly used by 16 year old boys. The condoms usually cost 75 cents.

Trucker: (Just got done shitting) Looks up at condom machine above the toilet. "Hmm, there done be a lot of skanks hangin out in the parkin lot. Better grab a rubber."

by JJ Hard-on August 30, 2007

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slot machine

A Gaming device inwhich you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than hitting the top award.

"Betty dropped $5,000 in that machine and it didn't pay her shit"

"Atleast she's considered a high-roller now, maybe they'll give her a free buffet or hotel room for the night"

by Slotty July 11, 2005

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Bone Machine

This 1992 album was Tom Waits' darkest release yet. Full of dark "cyber drama" and vicious guitar strings, he had totally dropped his piano onto the city sidewalk. Here we find Goin' Out West, Murder In The Red Barn, and the delicate suicide story, The Ocean Doesn't Want Me. Waits' voice sounds stepped on and burned out, but the songs are more amazing than ever because of it.

An excerpt from Bone Machine's-
Black Wings

Well they've stopped trying to hold him
With mortar, stone and chain
He broke out of every prison
Well the boots mount the staircase
The door is flung back open
He's not there for he has risen
He's not there for he has risen
Well he once killed a man with a guitar string
He's been seen at the table with kings
Well, he once saved a baby from drowning
There are those who say beneath his coat there are wings

by Frank Rider August 23, 2009

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Machine Gunning

Flatulence released in repeated intervals while running.

When you're late after spending too much time eating a greasy meal and in the process of running you let out small flatulence at separate intervals synchronized with your steps so that it sounds like a MACHINE GUN. MACHINE GUNNING.

by Mounstah Bites December 26, 2011

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machine gun

According to the ATF, A firearm designed fire more than one bullet with a single pull of the trigger. They are highly regulated and require a lot of expensive bureacratic paperwork and a squeaky-clean record to acquire the Class III Federal Firearms License needed to legally own one. The M-16A2 would technically fall under this category because of its ability to fire in 3-round bursts.

AR-15s, civilian semiauto AK-47 clones, etc, ARE NOT MACHINE GUNS. The most common AK-47 variant in the US civilian market is the Romanian-built WASR-10, imported by Century Arms, because it is the least expensive AK. Although similar in appearance, they DO NOT fit the definition of MACHINE GUN because they fire one and only one round with a single pull of the trigger, which means they are semi-automatic. An AR-15, despite its similarity to an M-16, is not the same thing. Vietnam-era M-16s were true MACHINE GUNS also, capable of fully automatic fire. The Pentagon brass found this to be a waste of ammo and restricted later models to 3 round burst mode as the only option for selective fire.

Machine guns are mainly carried by the military and only rarely found in civilian hands.

The belt-fed American M-60 machine gun is based on an earlier German model from World War 2.

Most ordinary Americans can't tell the f*cking difference between a real machine gun and a semiautomatic like the WASR-10 or AR-15. Unfortunately the News media and politicians are similarly misinformed, to the detriment of all.

by JJRtwu2008 March 20, 2008

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