An expression used when you fucked up, or see something amazing that nobody can explain.
On mah: means on my momma. Used when texting
The Ravens are gonna beat the Chiefs tonight Onm (on mah).
That spaghetti good onm.
A messed up version for oh my god
It can be used we some one is being retarted or a idiot
Oh mah goodness that guy is a dumbass.
just stop...
it a dead meme that haunts me today...
O: look what i can do *touches nose with tongue*
A: ooooooooooooooooooh mah gah!
A word or phrase used by people of large stature to describe themselves. However, they’re only fooling themselves.
Fat guy: I’m mah jestic as fuck. Look at my sexy ass!
Variation of common phrase "Your mom." Used as a silly exclamation, joke, or an insult.