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Middle Spoon

In spooning, the spoon located between big spoon and little spoon. Could be considered the best of both worlds, but also comes with the problem of excess body heat and inability to move without moving two other people

I was middle spoon, which was great until it got really hot and sweaty and big and little were both asleep

by once upon a ketchup bottle April 8, 2010

15👍 5👎

Middle schooler

a group of kids ages 10-14 that are annoying af.
middle schoolers like to make dirty jokes and make fun of anything. Another type of middle schooler is a thot that is “relevant” and has a lot of “friends” and dates every “relevant” middle schooler ever. The other kind of middle schooler is the annoying bitch that likes to make a comment about everything and gets in everyone’s conversation and thinks they’re talking about her (most likely they probably are). And all middle schoolers cuss, and make dirty jokes. (There are wayyy more types of middle schoolers)

Before middle school Alex was Quiet and respectful. Now he is a dirty minded middle schooler who isn’t respectful and makes fun of girls.

by sadcowboy June 29, 2019

16👍 6👎

middle finger

.('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
...'\................ _.·´
thats what one looks like on a computer

.('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
...'\................ _.·´
thats a middle finger

by sundie April 29, 2010

279👍 197👎

Middle school

Here's what middle school is like in 2015:

The teachers:

1) The fun teacher that everyone likes. Their class is usually the highlight of the day, because they don't take things too seriously.

2) The "meh" teacher that is pretty much neutral in terms of personality.

3) The teacher that acts like a complete douchebag. Gives out an obnoxious amount of homework.

The cliques:

Jocks- Worst clique in school. They carry around the newest iPhone, showing off their wealth even though iPhones are horrible in reality. They listen to top 40 music, no matter how bad it is. They post stupid fucking pictures of themselves on instagram.

Otakus- This group watches anime, reads manga, and is obsessed with Japanese culture. They are surprisingly large in size, and they're either really nice or dicks, no in between. They can be boys or girls.

Ghettos- Kids who smoke weed, act stupid, get into fights and generally do not care about school. They're very loud, which angers teachers, but they just don't give a shit. Usually boys, but they can be girls.

Nerds/gamers- Kids who are tech smart and play league of legends, Pokemon (Yes, it's still a thing) and other games all day when not at school. They can fit into the Otaku group, but don't have to.

Normal kids- Exactly what it sounds like. Kids who don't fit into any category because they're either too busy getting A's or would rather not be classified. Usually they are not very popular, having only a small group of friends or none at all.

Ben: "dude im a beast ive got a swag lol suck a dick fagget."
Jeff: "Middle school is stupid. When will I get out of here?
Gary: "Fuck you Mrs. Evans, school is for gay homosexuals."
6th grader: "These will be the best years of my life, just like principal Douchebag said!"

by Jared49 July 1, 2015

9👍 3👎

Middle school

•A place where pubescent children are trapped for 8 hours a day, five days a month, and 9 months at a time.
•Sexual and offensive jokes are exchanged daily. not to mention endless drama over the most pointless shit.
•Relationships last about a week on average and then the horny, attention seeking teenagers find a new prey
• it's just a pit of hell where you learn a lot of life lessons and it changes your perspective on the world.

Middle school is the equivalent to satan's asscrack

by Attackonsquareflakes April 16, 2015

5👍 1👎

Middle Looker

A complete and utter scrub at the sport of lacrosse. Originating from the fools that don't know how to fit a CPX on their heads. The correct way to lax is to be looking out the top two cage holes when strapped into your bucket to allow for maximun flow, any laxer knows this. When unstrapped, the true laxer can't even see- but his flow looks bad ass for warmups. Middle lookers look through the middle two holes of their dome piece and its the simplest way to spot a scrub.

Laxer A: Bro, kid is such a middle looker no chance he makes this team

Laxer B: Yea bro, played him in hockey this winter... total bender on the ice.

Laxer A: Figures..

by broitout May 23, 2009

5👍 1👎

hilsman middle

HMS - Hippo Mating School

a fucking stupid school where stereotypes are major and people are skanks. a prison. people look at you weird when you laugh. It's going to be taken over by the hobos of athens (INCLUDING THE MIDGETS)

Teachers include:
Mr. Hasty a.k.a. mary head
Mr. Preston- *cough* aflac *cough*
Ms. Best a.k.a. a messed up drunk slut who is indecent
Mrs. King- a transvestite (need I say more)

The hobos will rule.

HMS panthers suck... u know exactly what they suck too

by Slippery goo named AMANDA January 26, 2004

7👍 2👎