"Oi, you call these 'chips' instead of crispity crunchy munchie cracker jack snacker nibbler snap crack and pop westpool chestershire shire queen's lovely jubbly delights? That's a rather bit cringe innit bruv."
The feeling when you want to eat but you are not hungry.
I must not succumb to "The Board Munchies".
a delicious lamb dog treat commonly enjoyed by humans alike
Bob-Yo those lammy munchies are the shit!
Joe- Totally!
When a woman is craving cock so bad, she will take any man.
Sharon has the man munchies, and she will be taking someone home tonight.
Food you purposely buy to eat while driving. Not necessarily a road trip, could just be back and forth between work and home, etc.
I'm going to stop by a convenience store and pick up some Road Munchies before I head out to the concert.
Obtaining food while sober for the intention of eating it while high later.
When I got off work I knew I was going to get high when I got home, so I stopped by the Taco Bell drive through for premeditated munchies
Food specifically for munchies bought prior to getting high. This prevents the burden from having to drive or be in public while high
I knew I was going to get stoned once I got home, so I stopped by the McDonald's drive thru for premeditated munchies