When you owe someone money you will give them a spot card, a card which contains your name and amount of money owed to the person, spot card is ripped in half when amount has been payed to person, if not payed in a month 10 dollars will be added to initial spot amount.
I'll give you a spot card so I can remember what amount of money I owe you Mr.Krabs.
A phrase used when karma occurs immediately or shortly after the action.
Guy 1: Hey can I have some of your soda?
Guy 2: No way, it's mine!
*Opens Soda and Sprays Face*
Guy 2: Shit! I got it all over my face and new shirt
Guy 1: Haha talk about karma on the spot
The act of sleeping only a few hours at a time periodically.
I Spot Slept last night; woke up at 2am then went back to sleep at 3:30am then woke up again at 5am and went back to sleep at 7am.
from the Gaelic "bonnie" meaning pretty. within the closest three parking spots of your destination, outside of handicapped spots.
Bonnie Spot - three spots from the door of wherever you are going.
a drink made up of: a shot of absolut, a shot of cuervo, and a bit f o.j.
"we only have absolut, cuervo, and o.j. left"
"perfect! make me a bald spot"
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A state of ecstasy achieved by smoking marijuana with your friends. Typically involves a comfortable couch, snacks, and a great LP.
"James and I were in the sweet spot last night. Listened to that new Daft Punk album again and ate a bunch of peanut butter cookies."
Friend #1: "What are you up to tonight?"
Friend #2: "Thinking about getting in the sweet spot with James. You want in?"
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The unspeakably boring hobby of walking under electricity pylons with a pen and notepad and writing down the serial numbers from the pylons. Perfect hobby for those who can't get laid.
Joe: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Schmoe: I go pylon spotting.
Joe: That's so uncool. Get a life!
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