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Terminally Online

Terminally online is a psychological condition that occurs when someone has spent so much time online they can no longer function normally in real life.

There is no one aspect of internet usage or any particular website that makes someone terminally online; rather the condition describes the result of said usage, and becoming terminally online can be the result of nearly all online activity done in excess.

Symptoms of being Terminally Online:
-lack of social skills
-extremely esoteric political opinions
-extensive knowledge of chris chan
-apathy to real life success
-inability to relate to peers
-antisocial behavior and beliefs

After spending years on a conspiracy website, Tyler became convinced he is being gangstalked and lost his job. He has become Terminally Online.

Emily spent her entire childhood on Tumblr, and now she cannot form real life relationships due to social anxiety and acute awareness of minor social issues. She has become Terminally Online.

by Dingledorgle October 16, 2023

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GTA Online

A fun little game made by Rockstar games in 2013

Person 1: What's your Rank in GTA Online?
Person 2: 68
Person 1: cool.

by XboxGamerOne August 4, 2018

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Wonderland Online

WLO is a MMORPG where people waste their time and money to get their online personas a good reputation (somewhat akin to MapleStory). There are people who pose as your "friend" for personal gain, and can turn on you at any given moment. To be fair, there ARE nice people out there who are glad to help others out, but they are /quite/ scarce.

The world channel is a spamming hotspot, and characters sit around on Starter's Beach once they hit reborn, and alternate between just sitting there with their wifey/hubby/sis/gf/bf, PVP-ing each other to show off their "mad skills," and throwing water balls at people to piss them off.

As a friend of mine summarizes, it is "a game infested with in game dating drama and scammers of all sorts. there are beggars everywhere begging you to lvl them up fast and help them with quests and ask for gold, the currency used in this game...horny pedophiles hitting on teenage girls randomly for their sexual pleasures."

Ah, yes, how can we exclude those pedophiles we all know and love...and they aim for under-teens as well.. >_>

A typical scenario on Wonderland Online, perhaps on a Local Channel. Player Two is a cocky reborn/high level player and Player One likes to start problems-

Player One: Yo, green guy.
Player Two: me?!
Player One: Yeah. You. You ugly, bro

Player Two: Wtf?! who are u!!!

Player One: God.
Player Two: noway! i'm reporting u right after i spawn ur noob ass!
Player One: Umad, bro? Have fun trying. >| -logs out-

(Note: There is a handy little option of turning PVP mode off)

Another scenario with a pedophile and a naive youngster.
Player One: hi, cutie. want to hav some fun? :)
Player Two: hello! and sure !
Player One: how old are u ? :)
Player Two: i'm nine! how old are you?
Player One: i'm 35, baby.
Player Two: Ohhh, uhm my mommy told me not to talk to strange men.
Player One: dnt u worry, sweety, i'll make u feel real good ;) When my wife isnt home, y dont u come over and play?
Player Two: oo, sure! can i bring some friends along?
Player One: yah, sure, the more the merrier

by xPunishment May 19, 2011

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Chronically Online

A person who's identity revolves around the internet and it's culture. Typically uses pronouns "void/edge/bat", requires a flag and a title for every interest character trait that could possibly make them unique even if it is not in line and does not work with any human language. Will often be seen getting angry and offended over issues that do not effect them whatsoever, or faking mental illnesses such as tourettes and DID. They need intensive therapy and their phone taken away. If you tell them to get therapy, they will most likely call you "classist". They are generally a group of very toxic individuals that live for internet discourse, microlabels, and shaming anyone outside of their echo chambers. If you say anything less than neutral about their unrealistic and non-sensical ideas, they will just say "IM NEURODIVERGENT!!!!" and label you as ableist. They are never above the age of 16. You will not see these people in real life unless you attend an indie artist concert.

Alternatively: A person who uses TikTok as their main social media, and source of information. If you ask them for a source for anything they say, they will link you to a TikTok. They will also constantly speak in the form of tiktok comments.

Person A: "OMG- I- NOT THE FLAG- I saw this flag for moongender and it's SO SLAY. I think I'm questioning again- I think I'm moongender and breadgender on top of froggender, catgender, batgender, demigirl, and I'm also a trans therian polyamorous demisexual panromantic demiboy. My pronouns are now bat/kit/pole/wheat/bread/yip/grimace-"

Person B: Just because you really like something, does not mean it needs to be classified as your gender or a pronoun. You know you can just have interests and preferred nicknames without making it your identity right?


Person B: chronically online ass go outside

by Slay D. Cooche July 20, 2023

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online friends

even doe we are continents apart
and time zones apart
but we still make the time
and hopefully one day we will meet

omg look its the online friends polu and jas

by fuckvalorant March 14, 2022

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Online Grooming

Online grooming is where someone befriends a child online and builds up their trust with the intention of exploiting them and causing them harm. Harm caused by grooming can be sexual abuse, both in person and online, and exploitation to obtain sexually explicit images and videos of the child. Grooming techniques could also be used to radicalise someone, or to obtain financial information from the child or their family.

Online grooming is a disgusting and vile act.

by yourafatpieceofshit August 5, 2022

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Silkroad Online

n. A Korean MMORPG that crashes every other minute.

v. The act of frustrating and ignoring players. Similar to being repeatedly raped by a Komodo Dragon.

I'd love to play this game, but I'm getting the ol' Silkroad Online, and OH MY GOD IT BURNS!

by Argos September 8, 2006

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