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Japan other meaning

being on your period. When a girl says she's 'in japan' it means she has her period

"Sorry, can't go swimming today. I am in Japan." (Japan other meaning)

by periodgurl July 11, 2019

No other go relationship

It's a relationship but not a relationship, they're undefinable.

Hey dude! We are in a no other go relationship.

by Bond bunny July 25, 2017

Your Brother the other

This phrase is very dangerous and will destroy whoever it is being said to.

Friend:Your sister a mister
You: Your brother the other
Friend; Disintegrates

by Childpuncher March 19, 2018

Clash of The Other Kind

When two girls that you are currently "with" or with find out about eachother.

Dude 1: Sally found out ive been hooking up with Betty.

Dude 2: What a bad Clash of The Other Kind!

by The Pizza Maker October 14, 2010

turn the other cheek

To turn the other cheek means to accept violence or an insult without retaliating.

Don't let the insults get to your head. Turn the other cheek and everything will be just fine.

by Man Of Few Words April 10, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

eat the other side

When your baby is on the tit and he sucks one side dry. Then it is time to eat the other side.

My baby never gets full after one tit, he always has to eat the other side.

by Meatdick December 25, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

batting for the other side

A homosexual or Fag.

Any dude that wears a skirt and walks like that is batting for the other side.

by fathead December 9, 2004

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