Good musician, questionable human.
“Ben Pierce is a good musician.”
Big girthy cocked fellow who wonders the halls looking for some poon to doon.
Did you see that weird kid jerking it in class? “Yeah he is a real Preston Pierce.”
A true badass, that probably likes to fish and is a true lady killer, someone who generally does not give a fuck!
Damn, who is that stud fisherman over there? He must be austin pierce.
The act of purposefully embarrassing yourself
He’s totally Pierceing right now
piercing the balls (with a screwdriver)
John: “What happened to Tom?”
…..: “He tried DIY ball piercing with a screwdriver. He’s in the hospital now.”
Harry Pierce is overall a pretty handsome dude that is good at most games he plays, he usually fights with ty brooks but overall he’s pretty cool he is also 6”2 and very strong
Harry Pierce is cool
me the awsome kid that is in the logang
pierce johns clean up your room