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waking up after a night of drinking covered in blood.

dude...i don't know how it happened, but i got fuckin' razored last night.

by max March 1, 2008

razor main

razor mains have the worst internet EVER. Istg we be doing a boss and they randomly stuck in the center. Like get better internet mf

"Hey did you know Sam is a razor main?"
"Oh they must have really bad internet LMAO"

by MikaMiika July 22, 2022

Felicia's razor

Loudly and publicly criticizing your boss or employer until your employment becomes untenable and you find yourself promoted to consultant.

"If you keep slamming your boss, your coworkers, and your workplace in your social media, they're going to fire you. It's just Felicia's Razor

by JaycenG June 17, 2022

Dirty cum razor

The act of making a cumcicle then breaking off a small piece of said frozen cum till it gets a sharp edge and then slicing your sexual parter with the dirty cum razor

Tanner: come here baby I made a gift for you
Prostitute: oh baby slice me up with your dirty cum razor

by Lookatmetantan October 14, 2023

Richmond razor back

The act of fuckin a girl from the methadone clinic doggy style. Right before she nods off from the medication. The man pulls his penis out of her vagina. And without lube or shoves it in her asshole while punching her in the back of the head.

Bare in mind, for it to be a proper Richmond razor back. The girl can have no more than seven teeth.

Randy was complain how his hand hurt. After he gave a fat girl the Richmond razor back.

by Sweet Randy March 23, 2021

Pool's Razor

Do not attribute to a conspiracy that which can be more readily attributed to cultural forces.

Joe Biden said the phrase "new world order" but it's more likely a Pool's Razor situation not a conspiracy.

by Tantris Oakblood March 22, 2022

Connolly's Razor

A simple problem requires multiple complicated solutions to be discussed at length. This usually takes place while people are saying their goodbyes in an inconvenient location.

"It was nice to see you, goodbye. Actually... as per Connolly's Razor, let's go over the Christmas plans in detail while we stand in this doorway as I don't think what we agreed is suitable for my babysitter's gerbil"

by D-Rid November 4, 2019