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shut up bitch

A comeback for those who don't know what there doing

Man 1: I totally pone you
Man 2: Shut up bitch

by Andrew101 September 3, 2008

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The shut-up paradox

Hypothetically, If you would close your mouth and seize it's movement we would quote "not have to hear your annoying voice"; in which would benefit the world in such an astronomical way.

Hey have you heard of the Shut-Up Paradox? I think you should consider researching it because we don't care and don't want to hear you.

by The Shut-Up Paradox February 24, 2021

Shut Up Susan

It’s Where You Tell Somebody Named Susan To Shut Up.

Susan:I Hope You Have A Great Day At School!
Damien:Shut Up Susan.

by AlienMan456 August 14, 2020

Shut the hell up

Something an asshole teacher uses to tell children to be quiet in an angry and rude way.

Mr.Smith told his class to β€œshut the hell up” . And yelled at a girl for talking.

by Maskinging February 1, 2022

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Shut up Brujon

A part of a song called the attack on rue plumet from "Les Mis" and Brujon is screaming his head off


Montoparnesse: SHH!

Brujon: Who you should rob

Babet:Shut Up Brujon

Brujon: Give me MY share finish the job

by eugene123 January 20, 2013

Shut yo mouse

A funhearted misspelling of "Shut your mouth"

Person 1: "Nuck Figgers!"
Person 2: "Shut yo mouse"

by Sumsar March 16, 2023

shut up koreaboo

Shut up koreaboo

Shut up koreaboo

by Taenun June 26, 2022